Sqeeze sound on overblows on Suzuki harp

Hello guys, it’s not so long since I learend how to overblow. It’s going quite well on hohner haprs. Recently I bought Suzuki Manji and Manji Sky. On this to harps when I try to hit overblows it has to sqeeky sound I reduced it by tightening the gaps but it still persists. I found some workarounds like using small tape on reed but before that I would ask whether I should tighten the gaps more or is it caused by poor technique or something else can be done on Suzuki harps?

Did you tighten the gaps on the blow reeds to it stops your overblow air escaping. Also check your plates make sure they are perfectly flat sand them if you have to

I tried to tighten the blowreed even more and got rid of the squeeze sound but after overblow it’s hard to blow rast unless I draw that hole… so i think it’s too tight probably I need to find the sweet spot

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