Tabs & keys

First, let me say that I’ve tried a couple of other harmonica lessons, but this is the most straight forward and has kept my interest.

I’m not sure I completely understand a few things when it comes to tabs & keys. If I have tabs for a song using a key of C harmonica, but I want to play it in another key, how does that affect the tabs? Are the tabs the same, or is there some sort of translation needed?


Hey @cochranmr - the tabs are the same key to key

Think in terms of scale degrees

If I play 4 5 6 -7 on a C harmonica in first position I’ve played the notes
C E G B in scale degrees I’ve played 1, 3, 5, 7

Now pick up any harmonica take G for example — play 4 5 6 -7
We now have the notes G, B, D, F#
Which is scale degrees 1, 3, 5, 7

So now you’ve taken the same exact blows and draws and switch from first position c to 1st position G

Does that make sense or did I muddy things up more :joy:


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Oh and @cochranmr Here’s a cheatsheet resource for you
You’ll notice blow 1, 4, 7 and 10 are the harmonica key every time

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You can play the exact same tab on any 10 hole harmonica exactly the same, but you’ll have moved the key to the one the new harmonica is in.

Sometimes if i’ve learned a lick or melody i’ll spend a week or more playing on different harps just see which one i prefer it on.


Thanks for the reply. I kind of thought the tabs remained the same regardless of the key, but I just wasn’t sure. And your explaination of the scale degrees was very helpful.


Thanks for your reply. I thought the tabs remained the same regardless of the key of the harmonica, but I just wasn’t sure.


All tabs are the same, but you will be playing the tune in a different key.