Has anyone here had issues with temperature effecting the reeds? Gets cold up here, and i was wondering if the cold temperatures can damage my harp? Eric
I think it’s generally good to warm it up a bit if it’s very cold (like left in the car or something), if nothing else it’s more comfortable. There was some discussion on the forum about condensation and I’m pretty sure the chromatic players insist on warming it up before playing.
Can’t damage it but harp needs to be returned to body temperature to not make those strange sounds.
Yeah put it under you arm pit or a pocket for a few minutes then lightly blow into it your breath will bring it up to temperature
I have read some where that . Correct me if I am wrong . That the stainless reeds need to be warmed up . Before you start going ham on the harmonica. They say if you do you can damage the reed and or shorten the life of them .
With out a doubt yes. I also have problems on the rare occasion that the humidity is high. When I play at night and its cool and humid the harmonica is tougher to play. I ran a hair drier over a harp on one of these nights and it played well for a few minutes. Its the right side of the harp that I/M/O is adversely effected the most.