The 'slant' technique

I’m a self-taught blues harp player from the pre-internet era, so I basically learnt by copying stuff from recordings. Something that got pointed out to me after I had been playing for 3-4 years was that I slant or angle the harp, in particular to play single notes.

I’m not over-familiar with many modern blues harp players, but this Canadian chap called Roly Platt appears to use the same technique as I do: Playing Harmonica on an Angle |Harp playing on a slant|holding harp on a angle|Roly Platt

Like him, this was just something I found myself doing when trying to figure out how to get clean single notes (and for bends also) it wasn’t a conscious method I deliberately chose. I seem to increase the angle of the slant as I play higher notes. For chords and train impressions, the angle is far less slanted (and might even be completely level).

Does anyone else use the slant technique? I would be interested to hear any views on this approach (positive or negative).


Hello @ralphwindso,
Yes, I also use the oblique technique! But not in general, it depends on the model of the harp! With some models, bending tones are better. With others, it’s more of a shame because my lower lip blocks the channel and makes it difficult to play the sound clearly.

Best Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Having a hairy mug, I tried the slant and it ripped my face to bits. No thanks I’ll stick to the traditional way thanks.


I’m a slanter too, I like to draw in long long single notes and slanting helps.


David Barrett talked about this on one of his video lessons.


Yes, me as well. Sometimes diff angles to facilitate my bends.