The Trade Wind Hornpipe!

As an older contributor (!) I’ve always wanted to play this tune which some (most?) of you will be familiar with?

If you were raised with a radio always on (rather than a TV always on!) - then you will likey be familiar with the BBC radio’s comedy programme called the Navy Lark.

For me, to play it on the harmonica - its natural ‘home’ instrument - is as apposite as trying to play ‘Baker Street’ on the sax!

It formed the theme tune for the Navy Lark and has kept its familiarity with the British Public for decades - and even now you can catch the comedy on Radio 4x where it is quite regularly scheduled.

You probably know this - apologies if you do. The theme tune is played by Thomas Rundle Reilly MBE (August 21, 1919 – September 25, 2000) who was a Canadian-born harmonica player, predominantly based in England. Larry Adler admired him immensely and said that there “wasn’t even a second” to Thomas - presumably including himself.

It’s a great folk (seafaring) tune and although it is in the Key of C in the recording - needs a chromatic harmonica to play it - which Thomas does at quite a lick! This is classical music harmonica playing and Thomas worked with many composers in the UK - where he raised the profile of the harmonica as a serious orchestral instrument - even if he was proficient on the fiddle/violin.

I’ve ‘captured’ it - almost! And have committed it to Sibelius to make for easier practice. It has three ‘octave’ jumps in succession in the ‘B’ part which is a bit challenging!

At the moment I’m having trouble with the last third - it’s played so fast that even slowed down it’s difficult to tie down! (Please don’t suggest I just buy a copy of the sheet music - it’s all part of musical development!)

Has anyone ‘cracked’ it completely?

I’d be interested in your observations!

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If this is played on a chromatic I think @Jay1 would be the guy to ask as he does all things chromatic although he might be busy with work atm. I’ve never played this sort of music on a harp, but I used to be a dab hand at it on Penny Whistle, I used to be able to do Blue Peter, Indulci Jublio and Portsmouth and the theme from Sharpe and the movie the Great escape. But I admit to getting very bored with the Penny Whistle. Blues Harp was always my favorite then guitar.

@Andy2 @CharlieCharlieSucker Andy, you’re spot on right, I have a massive case load between now and the New Year. Sorry Charlie, to play the Thomas Reilly Navy Lark theme I’d have to buy a copy of the sheet music and even then I’d probably not have time to do anything with it. I’ve played Baker Street which I think is in D Dorian several times before but never the Navy Lark theme. There may be others who have cracked it but I’m afraid the day job is taking all my time and then some at present Jay1

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