If you play a second step bend on a -3 draw what’s the deference in playing a second step bend and a -2? As I understand it the second step bends the note down one note to a -2. I can slowly bend all three steps down on a good day but it sees a *2 instead of the second step would be easier.
Hey @scott4 all the -3’, -3", and -3’‘’ are HIGHER than the -2.
The -2’ and -2" are LOWER than the -2.
-2 = blow 3
Guitars bend up. Harmonicas bend down. (Except for overblows/overdraws)
Rock on!
Thanks! Very helpful…
I think so. Music theory is not a strongpoint. It seems the first step is easiest and the most useful for me. Thanks and keep well.
Thanks Its coming together slowly. The analogy you use in the B 2 B coarse is useful to get the first bend you play. I am there but playing bends that augment a song are a different story and this play takes years to really play well. I was going to post that the B 2 B coarse really got me on the right track and its the things like play a -8 with the force you would use to almost blow out a candle. I have made friends with this note now.
I think at this point in your journey, the Bend It Better tool is definitely your friend and ally!
Got one and can bend 1-6. I am now trying to get over blows down to a point. Bending is one thing but playing them correctly on a consistent basis is another.