Tips for people with limited, grip or no grip it all

As a C-5 C6 quadriplegic. I have learned the hard way that they take a hard road with me. I drop them a lot and it is very frustrating. Sometimes I may even run over them with my wheelchair on accident. I know this isn’t sexy and it will probably deter certain people from doing it I have recently started putting grip tape on my harmonica’s to keep them from slipping out of my hand. It’s amazing what just a little bit of grip can do. Not saying they won’t still hit the ground, but I was tired of hearing hearing $40-$70 harmonicas hit hard tile it cements. Just a thought.


Who cares what it looks like as long as it works. I have done the same thing with certain hard to hold harp mikes.




I love this! As I always say, if it SOUNDS good, and it FEELS good, then it IS good. That’s it. Period.


Sounds to me like a GREAT IDEA! I hope it works for you! God Bless You!


Hey bud! Glad I came across your post. Finally someone in the same boat as me! I’m a C-5 quad myself. Was debating if I could really play decent with zero finger function but decided to stick with it anyway and try to adapt. Hand vibrato etc might be out of the question but other then that I’ve been managing. My diaphragm muscle was compromised a bit too so that’s an issue breathing wise. But to your point, the grip tape was a great idea! I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll have to try it out. Thanks for the post! It’s always nice to run into someone who understands the struggles. I’m a beginner player but gonna not give up and just adapt to certain things that I’ll have to as far as gripping and playing the harp. Anyway take care bud! Happy playing. I just recorded the first video of myself playing and holding my harmonica. I’m not quite sure about uploading stuff on here and how it works. :man_shrugging:t3:


This was a reply to Smyliestyle’s post. New here and not sure If I posted it the right way?


All right @AllenJP. Write an @ without spaces before the username and it will be received safely.

Astrid wishes you all the best and lots of fun harping :woman_in_lotus_position:


You gotta do what ha gotta do. As a visually impaired dude, I have to adapt as well. Listen to Luke more than watch him. The fact that you are seeking and working out solutions is what matters. Rock on my friend.


I’m with ya bud! We’ll get things figured out and keep plugging away! Limitations won’t get the best of us!!




@smyliestyle just wanted to make sure you saw @AllenJP’s post here!

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Hey brother hope all is well. Just seen your reply to my post and hope it works well for you. Hopefully it will save you some of the headaches I endured watching and then hearing harmonicas hit the ground. Because believe me I seen and heard plenty before I finally came up with somewhat of a solution….it is not bulletproof. LOL. But like many other things, we just got a shrug it off and roll with the punches. I know you and I both faced far more critical things then dropping a Harmonica. Anyways, I appreciate Luke letting me know you posted. Good luck to you my friend.


Thanks bud! Same to you!


Sorry too! I was late myself seeing your reply.


I am glad that you are finding pleasure ‘making music’ as God surely intended in spite of your visual problems. I pray that HE will continue to bless you!


What’s up bud? How is the playing coming along? I’m a few months in so far and have learned quite a bit. I met a friend in a forum that’s been a mentor helping me. He’s been playing 3 or so years. I’m saving up some money so I can do Luke’s course here soon. With our injury I’m still not able to grip the harp all that well but I’ve kind of learned some ways. Haven’t tried grip tape yet but will when I get ahold of some. Our diaphragm isn’t as strong as most people but I’m making do I guess. It’s still enjoyable! I’ve learned a few easy tunes so far, practice scales, bending etc. hope all is well your way!