My first 10-hole was a Hohner Blues Harp MS. Of those I have a set of seven: A, Bd, C, D, E, F, and G. I’ve been told they’re difficult to play, but I’ve also added gaskets to them and it does help. Bending is easier after adding the gaskets, s’pose a better seal between wood and reeds.
After the Blues Harp I got an XB40-A. It helped making bending easy, but the price was so I only got one new and two more, C and G, used. Hohner no longer offers the XB, but worth a mention here.
Next I thought about the Hohner Masterclasse, but then learned about the Yonbere D1. Each has benefits, but I have no desire to stick a block of aluminum in my mouth. Then Yonberg released the D2 with a hybrid combo. An amazing harp so I got all six keys the had: A, Bd, C, D, F, and G. The Yonberg is toughest and loudest harp I have; though brighter sounding than the Hohner’s. Also very easy to open, clean, and reassemble on the fly with an included screwdriver. A very well engineered case with Seydel reed plates.
Since I’d started with the 10-hole someone always mentioned the Special 20 in conversation no matter where. And, when a set of six came up stupid cheap on ebay I grabbed all six (A, Bb, C, D, F, and G) for $20 +/-. Like $20. They are not so old to be nailed together, but did leak. I cleaned them up and added gaskets. Even the ol’ stained reeds work.
All great harps thus far, but I like a lower rumble and began looking into Low tuned harps. It was between Seydel and Hohner and, in-the-end, I got a set of Hohner Thunderbirds. For me, because of the bamboo comb. They play like any Richter tuned harp just lower. They are pricey so I have four: Low-A, Low-C, Low-G, and Low-Low-F. This was a sound I like. Slightly lower riffs in second position, but it first position out comes that deeper sound.
My last harp – aren’t you happy? is one I wanted just because. It’s a Tombo 1140R 25-hole all blow contrabass in C. It’s a monster of a chromatically tuned diatonic at two octives below middle C. I playea Bb bass in Jr/Sr highschool. Easiest harp I have to play from printed sheetmusic and a blast to play a melody line on.
Ok, enough abut the features the harps I have, how about the one? Of late I have been thinking about a full set of Wilde Tuned Rock Harmonicas based on the Seydel 1847 Classic. Maybe make more out of the high end.
Blues Harp … $50-$70
XB-40 … $100-$200 (discont)
o original retail $400
Special 20 …,… $40-$50
Thunderbird … S125-$150
D2 … $115-$130
1104R Contra-bass … $300
o original retail $1,200 - $1,400)
Wilde Tuned …,. $110+/-
Merry Christmas all,
Greg <><