Hey yall! I’m working on Buddy Greenes version of Amazing Grace by ear! He does something at 1:04/1:05 that I can’t quite replicate on my harp! It sounds like a quick glissando or triplet but I’m not sure! Anyways some help would be much appreciated! I love the sound of what he’s doing!! https://youtu.be/JcpYKvi-tIQ?si=qrWo7LtM9e7rnWGS
Hey @Madmartigan26 yeah man nice lick for sure! Thanks for posting this.
So as you already know, he’s playing an A harmonica in 2nd position here. And the part you referenced he’s playing 6, then a quick trill from 5 6 5, to ornament the note he’s finally landing on -4.
Buddy Greene is just the best in the style to me, and he’s choosing notes out of the Major Pentatonic scale as is so often the case in Gospel and Country music.
I demonstrate the scale at the bottom of this forum post on the subject:
@Madmartigan26 I’m at SPAH. Walked out my room, and look who I bumped into!
What!!! Did you get his autograph for me bro?! Haha j/k!! That’s epic man!! I imagine he’s super nice!!
Thanks Luke!!! It’s great to have some guidance when learning by ear!!
Just started listening to his stuff, after reading some posts on here checked him out on YouTube blown away by his versatility and his speed. Wonderful player
Yeah he’s amazing! His bends are buttery smooth!!
His speed absolutely blew me away, you think you’re fast? — Then you hear Buddy let loose on some blue grass or an Irish jig? And you realize that compared to him your a tortoise. He has inspired me though, I have this blues song and I wanted to do something different with the bridge, I thought it might be cool to switch to a Paddy Richter tuned harp and blast a jig that would be fun.