What key backing track on YouTube?

Constantly accessing songs and backing tracks on the Net - primarily YouTube. My question is - why is the key for the song NEVER indicated?
Robert Chartrand
London :maple_leaf:

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It’s actually good for you. Grab a C harp (especially if you have a chromatic), and find the root note. Then figure out which harp you want to use.

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@robertchartrand2104 are you typing in the key of the backing track you want to find the song in? That always helps! :wink:


Why do music site such as [quote=“Luke, post:3, topic:21905, full:true”]
@robertchartrand2104 are you typing in the key of the backing track you want to find the song in? That always helps! :wink:

YouTubeemphasized text not show the SONG KEY on their platform?
Regards to all during this festive season.
London :maple_leaf:

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I agree with Luke. I thought it was normal to request the key. I think/ picture songs in different keys. So, looking for a backing track I might search – Am blues shuffle backing track 110 bpm.

What pops up might not match all the criteria (key, groove, and beats per minute), but it’s a starting point. I keep refining the request until I get it. Other times I might ask for a baseline (Green Onions), a turn around (Medium swing 2-5-1 Jazz backing), a specific song (Billie’s Bounce backing track) or artist (T-Bone Walker style backing track Eb). Then save them to your favorites for future reference.


@BnT Yeah, I’m always surprised when I search for a specific backing track YT how it always gives me so many results that ARE NOT IN THE KEY I searched for. Weird? (I reckon they’ll notice this at some point and get it better.) This could start me on a whole YT rant about search results - I wish I could see ALL the results of what I’m searching for (not 10, and then onto things I’ve already seen and YT’s best algorithm predictions for me.) Infuriating. I wish they had “research mode” or something, where you could really just find everything that’s been uploaded on the subject you’re seeking.

And yes, ALWAYS save the url when you find a winning backing track for sure!!!

But @robertchartrand2104, to answer what I think is your question, it really falls on the PERSON who POSTS the track to enter in the information on song key, title, groove/feel/genre, and BPM. YouTube doesn’t figure that stuff out with AI (yet).

Most of the ones I see are C.

Thanks my friend. Realize l can also use an app such as TuneBat. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do this I’ve got quite a few now, my only problem is that you tube constantly bungs and advert in the middle of them. Very annoying

Searching is still relatively logical if you disregard the paid youtubers. Remember to think of your search as a list in sequence of importance. If you search something like". C in the key of C blues backing track. "
Then C is a first line of thinking. You repeat it with the words in “C the key of” then blues , then what it is you’re looking for 'a backing track. This should get better results than " "backing track blues in c. " Butternote has great tracks. So subscribe and search within their channel. ERTO SOUND. Also good. Sing King. Has words and backing. Also the set of tracks in the link has all 12 keys in every trackhttps://music.apple.com/au/album/a-shuffle-blues-backing-track-100-bpm/1451738265?i=1451738267&ls

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I would recommend checking out Jason Ricci 's channel as he always does a free lesson and he provides links to backing tracks. I usually know the songs he’s going to play, but what I like he gives you variations and things to try, really stirs your creativity to see what you can do with a track. I particularly love his blues stories on that channel but it really is worth a look there isn’t a style he can’t do.

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Almost all are C but some are in different keys. The c is in the middle so I would use this while playing something on U Tube that does not give the key as you will be right 90%+ of the time.

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