Will Wilde

my sentiments exactly makes ya work harder or wanna quit Me Im already all in too late to quit now lol


I love Will Wilde. He’s my second favorite modern harmonica player next to Todd Parrott, which comes off as a little biased as he is my friend, but you should check him out too if you love overblow playing or the Terry McMillan style. I grew up listening to rock and metal as a kid. And I love how he replicates the sounds of electric guitars.


Hi @KeroroRinChou

I may be wrong but: now that Will has his own Wilde-Tuning harps built & sold by Seydel I don’t think he uses overblows nearly as much as he previously did.

– Slim


I know that @Slim.


Jason is one kool ass Dude this kat is soo Human its rare hes totally approachable and allways encouraging sometimes i think hes part harmonica his playing style is mindblowing his knowlege is too he has free friday lessons on youtube Every Friday I dont think hes ever missed one Ever. cept when he had his brain surgery couple two yrs ago or so the Dude has made those lessons a priority in his life will wilde is a kickass player but honest injun[its ok im a native american]lol. i dont think their in the same league im pretty sure theres a youtube vid of one of Mark Hummels harmonica blowouts which they both played in its really good stuff

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Interesting. :laughing:

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Lazy is an amazing song. I could hardly believe that harp is not a lead guitar. Wilde sets the bar amazingly high for us.


Hello @argold57,
Lazy is damn hard to play.
Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:

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As are so many recorded songs by some of the greats. Hearing a harp sound so much like lead guitar is inspiring. It seems not just his complexity but a certain tonality that Will consistently gets that does it.


@argold57, I played the Deep Purple song Lazy in its entirety from Parts I - IV on my Will Wilde Gm - Harp about 7 months ago. Accompanied by keyboard and guitar. The middle part is very difficult because the song is damn fast.
It’s definitely not perfect for me, but it’s a lot of fun.


Hi @argold57

Although I admire Will’s skills and his special tuned harps, I personally prefer hearing a harp sound like a harp rather than like a guitar. Perhaps Will should have learned guitar … :thinking:

The harmonica is an excellent instrument with its own repertoire of sounds that other instruments cannot produce. So just like I do not wish to make my harp sound like a tuba or a piano, I also prefer leaving guitars to sound like guitars.

Getting inspiration for harp licks from other instruments is a very good idea and can give us new creative themes to incorporate into our harmonica “library” of licks. It is something all harp players who are having difficulty getting started with improvisation should use.

– Slim :sunglasses:


Don’t get me wrong, moderation in all things. And most of Wills songs do not sound like guitar and are great. Lazy just blew me away.

As for myself, I would love to occasionally get that tonality and the riffs that can fill in for a good lead guitar solo. But only occasionally because I too love some of the sounds I can get that are like nothing else in the world.


Ok. I have been listening to Will on Spotify and just heard his cover of Parisienne Walkways. by guitar great Gary Moore.

Of course the cover was amazing, and I am happy to tell you all that Spotify also has a Backing Track for the song! It is not the full version but will be great to play with.