Favorite harp and why

Just a conversation for fun. What’s your number one harmonica and why? For me it’s the Crossover with the Golden Melody being a close second.


I have one of these in C.
I love it because;
It’s yellow
I can easily play draw 2 on it.
It’s light.
It’s different.
It reminds me of a great holiday.
It cost me $100au

I tried to understand the guy in the shop in Japan but I couldn’t. He told me it was produced especially for a japanese harmonica playing comedian. I couldn’t get the name. I was really hoping to find a video somewhere of this elusive comedian but I haven’t managed it.


Hi @DukeSilver, Interesting topic, I hope you get some more replies. Is it the old or new GM that you have? I tried a Blues harp and hated it, now only have special 20s and a new GM. I like both but find the special 20s uncomfortable to hold with those sharp corners and edges. They do play well. I have a rocket low on order and am looking forward to playing it. I have mixed feelings about the new GM, probably because so many people have said it’s not nearly as good as the old model. I never had the old one so can’t compare.


Hi again @toogdog, Glad you enjoyed your holiday. I’m skeptical about there being any harmonica playing Japanese comedians. Definitely something lost in translation there. Thats a pretty harp though, is it more like a special 20 or a rocket? I don’t know why so many harmonicas are produced in such boring colours. They don’t have much to offer in looks so why not brighten them up a bit.


I have two of the old model and one of the new. I’m nowhere near pro level, so I like them both. I think I like the looks of the older one a bit more. But as for sound or playing, I don’t see a huge difference.


My Hohner Ozzy Osbourne! Sounds good and the novelty value is cool!


Though I bought it by mistake and it’s not a key many songs are written in, I really like my Special 20 in Db.

It gets a little shrill on the top end but she bends well across the board (always a good thing :sunglasses:) , has a great tone and sounds great with most of the music I like to play…

I like all my harps but this one, which I call “Oops” is my favorite if I had to choose just one of them. :man_dancing:t2:

Great topic. It’s nice to hear what others say about their harps. :wink:


Crossover hands down


That’s a pretty cool design. I’ve also seen some for the Beatles and Steven Tyler that didn’t look bad.


What do you like about it @bubby.graves. Also, have you tried the MB Deluxe? I think Luke is a big fan of both.


I like the tone, easy bending and overblows, longevity, easy to assemble and clean, the comb is rounded so it is also comfortable.


I missed out on a Mick Jagger one because I took too long to decide! All sold out.


Suzuki Manji M20 retuned to a “Compromised Just” intonation. I played a lot of different harps over 59 years. This is my preference for the last 15 years.


Sorry I don’t know what that means.


The Hohner Golden Melody (preferably the original design) is my favorite harmonica model and the one I use the most when playing. I heard about it because that was the harmonica of choice that my harmonica hero, Terry McMillan, played for decades until he passed on in '07. I always wanted to have his playing style so getting one was a good choice for me. I also thought the design looked cute. This was back in 2020, before I fully committed to being a country player. People on Facebook have been telling me for years to avoid playing it like the plague because it’s not a Marine Band (usually they say it’s not tuned like a MB). Even one guy told me that if I play one at all, then the band would tell me that I have to change harps. I have offended people because I feel like that I should play whatever harp I want and not get complaints about it. However the elitists manage to find me just to tell me I’m wrong for using them.


I enjoy my William Wild Seydel in the key of A, for its custom tuning, but starting to prefer Hohner Rockets for volume and durability and they’re neon green. :).


Yes, @peg_T,
I also use the Hohner Rockets among others and have them in the keys C, A and G. :blush:


Any thoughts on the Hohner meisterklass?


I really like it. Nice sound but difficult for me to -2.


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