Fender Blues Deluxe made by East Top?

I was going through my B2B lesson and noticed something. The design of the seven harmonica case, the shape of the cover plate, screw location, etc. I am thinking that my FBD harmonicas are rebranded or made by East Top. The FBD has the artwork from the East Top 008 but the cover plates and comb from another model that does not list a model number. Have a look.


They very well could be made by Easttop. Couldnā€™t say for definite but orther Fender harps were made by Seydel. Fender don.t manufacture harmonicas they have them made by other manufacturers and branded Fender.


I have a Hohner Crossover, a set of special 20ā€™s, but my favorite and most comfortable (for me) harmonica to play, is my 12 dollar Fender Blues deluxe. I wouldnā€™t doubt for a minute that they werenā€™t being manufactured by someone like Seydel.


Without any knowledge specifically, yes, Iā€™d imagine the main far east hamonica factories have contracts to produce instruments for lots of brands. The key thing though is what quality control is put in place, thatā€™s where brands like fender or hohner donā€™t want to risk their image.
The internet/youtube reputation of Easttop is pretty good though, clearly they run a good factory.


I have purchased several harps from Conjurer and the top of the line and just below that are impressive models and with a good price. They put East Top and even Hohner on guard!

ā€“ Slim :sunglasses:


Youā€™ve piqued my curiosity @Slim! Iā€™ve got it on my to-do list to buy one and try it out!


Iā€™m so glad answers to the question are readily available on the internet. ā€œā€¦ Fender harmonicas are manufactured by Easttopā€¦ā€ Thank you to theharmonicacompany.com for that authoritative answer. Oh, wait. ā€œā€¦. Fender harmonicas are made by the Hohner company.ā€ Thank you to countryinstruments.com for that true fact.

So like it or hate it, now you know who possibly makes it.


A little off topic and maybe past due for a response but I wasnā€™t on this forum at this time. Anyway I will put my to cents in as far as Conjurer 10-hole blues (WH1005) model. I have played it several times I like the sound it makes but it requires a lot of moisture to play. I also have Conjurer Bluestorm model and it is much easier to play and to my ears sounds good too. I have used them at a gig and got compliments on them sounding good.


@Moman well this thread has morphed into talking about the Conjurer, but Iā€™m glad you commented because I had failed to put it on my to-do list to review one (which Iā€™ve now done.) Thanks! And thanks to @Slim for bringing it up in the first place. I hope you are in good health! Rock on! :sunglasses:


Thanks @Luke I think there are so many different harmonica companies itā€™s makes it easy to G.A.S. Iā€™ve got it bad LOL. Iā€™m trying to stop and concentrate on what I have now. I will eventually take a picture of my gear and upload it here to share.


Yes @Moman please do snap a photo and post it here:

You know what, come to think of it, I need to do an update. My collection has probably tripled since I posted that!!! Talk about G.A.S!!! :rofl:

As I always mention to my wife, ā€œTheyā€™re note toys. Theyā€™re investments in my craft.ā€ (Sheā€™s a musician, so she gets it. :wink:)


Where can I find the review? I searched but couldnā€™t find it.

Sorry @TinSandwichPlease ā€œIā€™ve now done itā€ meaning ā€œIā€™ve now added it to my to-do list.ā€ I havenā€™t actually bought one yet.