First video and harp game for you

Don’t worry @stonestone63, we’re on a :ocean:length. With me you could steal :racehorse: if you help me level up… :grin:
Yesterday I listened to my Godfather :studio_microphone: again after your comment. I continue to only listen to harp, no resemblance to clarinet. It’s probably because I play it :woman_shrugging:.
As for the reference to subscribe and / or like on Youtube, everyone should handle it as they like. However, I see the value of the video in many good players. It takes a lot of work and time to get it right. If I like or even subscribe to something, then I show my respect and appreciation for it. But no one gets penalized if they don’t like.
I only know the expiry date for yoghurt…:grin:.
I am what I am, so what? If I want to do something and it works with my disability, I do it. Too old? Ridiculous!
Write as you wish. I get used to it and if something is unclear, I ask. No problem!

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Wow - you guys make me feel OLD…I married my wife in 1965. We celebrated our 57th anniversary last May. I was born a couple of weeks before Pearl Harbor.


Ha ha @Poppo it’s funny because your older than me. Now if only I could remember what those young jerks keep saying to me. Then I’d know how too pick on you.:joy: Actually, when the young blokes are having a laugh at my expense, I really enjoy, but I laugh harder at them because I think how in what will feel like a couple of weeks from now, the young blokes will be laughing at old them. They will be laughing at the young guys for the same reason and thinking how nice it is to be underestimated. Keep on rockin’ Poppo, I know I’m only a step and a half behind you​:love_you_gesture:t2:


Well, just ignore them if you can…I don’t get out much, so I don’t have that problem…I played the Accordion for about 12 years, Organ for about 45 years until I could no longer sit on the bench with one foot raised to operate the volume control and the other foot raised to play the 25 foot pedal notes, one hand on the top row of keys, the other on the bottom row of keys. My back got so bad that I was declared totally disabled in 2002. I smoked for many years, and have COPD in addition to a very bad back (broken in several places, and severe Sciatica. I love the Harp, and learned to play most of my old favorites by ear in just a few weeks of taking it up. Unfortunately, my inner lips get very sore and I get very short on breath in 10 or 15 minutes of playing. It makes it very hard to get real proficient, but I have been able to tab a lot of my favorites and also have a Seydel NoSlide Chromatic (Key of G) that I can play a lot of the songs that just don’t work with a Diatonic, particularly as I haven’t yet managed to be proficient at my bends. Songs like Indian Love Call, Don’t Blame Me, Again, All the Things You Are, I’ll Walk Alone, etc…Practicing bending makes my inner lips sore very quickly, which is one of the main reasons I got the Chromatic. I refuse to quit living just because everything is more difficult!!! God Bless You. I hope you are able to live as long as I have and enjoy it as much!


Hello @Poppo and @stonestone63,
I just have to laugh reading your exchange about old age.
I think age judgments are always interesting. It depends on how old you feel. I don’t mean what I feel when I get up in the morning… :rofl: I always say I’m at a crisp age :woman_shrugging::smiley:. I mean the perceived age inside us, the heart.

@Poppo you are a generation ahead of @stonestone63 and me. You’re a youngster compared to some of my neighbors :slightly_smiling_face:.
Stone and I are still young for your generation, for the younger people my age group is somehow :older_adult:.
After all, @stonestone63 and I will get the seniors’ plate from next year… :blush:. I’ll take two portions with me :yum:cheesecake and good :coffee:.
We just keep our humor because it keeps us :older_adult::arrow_right::child:. A good personal transformation.

@Poppo, at least one sign of your younger age is that you use a PC for your music. If it were a gramophone from years past, well. :grin:
But the sound of records was and remains something special. We older people know that and appreciate it very much! Today, every new recording :studio_microphone: has to be pore-deep clean. :wink:

Greetings from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Hello @AstridHandbikebee63 you make a good point here. It still feels the same to me every morning as it did when I first learned to get my hand
into my diaper :wink:


Go Astrid :+1:




Awesome! Thanks for posting and great choice of tunes. Think I’m going to try and learn this.


Hello @rich3,
You visited my channel, great and thank you!

Here my first video is from August 2022 and meanwhile there are already 32 including Christmas songs.
Not everything is perfect and there is still a lot to learn! I don’t want to and can’t commit myself to a genre. The range of music is too broad and interesting for that! This is what makes me so excited to try it out!

At the moment I’m also trying to implement faster beats cleanly, it’s really difficult and a big challenge. Maybe then age will also come into play, because 50 missing years can’t really be made up for.

But as you can see and hear, learning the harp is worth sticking with!
But if I could convince you a little bit, I would be very happy! The path is not always easy, but the feeling of having mastered a song is pure happiness!

Keep going, I wish you lots of fun, patience and joy!

Best regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position: :slightly_smiling_face:


Your determination to continue playing and enjoying music, despite health obstacles, is commendable.