Harmonica Humor

Excellent on the bag pipes
Very Canadian.

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I got so annoyed having to see the ubiquitous Taylor Swift at the Superbowl, but this post made me smile. Thought y’all might enjoy it.




QUESTION How do you know it’s a new harmonica player at the studio door?

ANSWER He/She can’t find the key and doesn’t know when to come in.


Ode to my Organ

What is this?

Some may laugh and others may snicker,
But my organ is incredible, of that none can bicker.

I walk around with it in my mouth all day,
To the delight of some and to others dismay.

Some may think it rather small,
But with it, I truly have a ball!

I take it with me wherever I go,
And seek to play it like a pro.

I keep it at always at hand,
Ready to join the band.

Then when I put it in its case,
I hold it firmly by the base.

Others may play with it now and then,
But it is my very own special friend.

∞ Bobby McB ∞
20 Nov 2021
LL V 15

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