Oh dear, that would have been awkward. There’s a line from a television program from many years ago, I think it was Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies. When asked what kind of music he likes, he replied “I like both kinds of music, country AND western” Still makes me laugh when I think of it.
This is me, the top picture. I am more of a Festus player abut my English is not as good. This serves as my real introduction. I just cannot sing like Festus can nor can I ride a mule. My dad put my older brother and me on a mule he bought a day before my sixth birthday. next morning I went to brush my teeth and learned what a Texas size black eye looked like. The mule tossed both of us straight up and my forehead landed on his head. My sling shot shooting improved greatly as I hit that ole mule in the butt many times. Hopefully the harmonica will be better for me than trying to sit on a mule.
My research says this 1-hole harmonica is called a “depression harmonica” as it was made at the same time as Depression glass, glassware made in the period 1929–1939, often clear or colored translucent machine-made glassware that was distributed free, or at low cost, in the United States and Canada around the time of the Great Depression.
There are very few in existence today as it is reported that most were swallowed during a particularly excited draw note.
(You learn something new every day whether you want to or not. )