Introduce Yourself!

Danke @AstridHandbikebee63 fur das willkommen. I have kümmel aus Wisconsin und kenne den winter gut :slight_smile: Jay


Hey Jay from Florida - so happy to have you hear and thanks for all the kind words, man! Much appreciated. Some of the hats get from Lids. You can customize hats - they have a cool embroidering machine. LMK which shirts you like, I can probably point you to them.

Glad you’re enjoying the course.

Rock on,


Hello Harmonica Enthusiasts!
Greetings from India
So Glad to be a part of this Forum.
I am a beginner level harmonica player and a guitarist too… been playing the instrument since more than a year now.
I mostly cover my favorite artist on my harmonica, on my Youtube Channel. Do Check it out when you have a moment and do support by Subscribing and Sharing my content.
Karma Police - Radiohead feat. CocoCapitainePoulet (Cover)


Hi there, Diego from Ecuador report for duty…

I studied music in a conservatory for three years before I started college and now I regret having drifted so far away from music for 16 years, but now I’m back with all the enthusiasm built up through the years.

I chose the harmonica because I can take it with me everywhere and just practice. With my career I have to travel a lot so I can’t take with me my old friend, the guitar. But now I have a pocket friend ready to rock and roll any time anywhere.


Heyya everyone:

It’s October already here in the “Frozen Wasteland” ( Alaska) :rofl: :joy: :cold_face: and since our winters are only around 6 months long, I think it’s time I took up an inside hobby and looking at the website looks like it will fit in perfectly so . . . here I am! I have zero musical ability so looking forward to spending some serious time inside the comfort of my nice and warm home learning to play the harmonica without going “stir crazy” this winter . . . Butch


Hi Butch,

I was just looking at your profile – I have some fish hatchery employment experience myself. In college back in the late '80s, I spent summers working for California DFG at Mt. Whitney Hatchery near where I grew up in the Eastern Sierras. I did the golden trout spawning thing in the back country and that was a great experience. Anyway, welcome aboard.


Thanks . . . Had 26 hatcheries scattered thru out the state, about 85% remote locations. All 5 species of Salmon, some Rainbow and Dolly’s. A few Grayling in the northern part of the state. Loved that job!

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Hallo @diego.and.aguirre,
herzlich willkommen hier bei uns. Schön, dass du deinen Traum weiter lebst. So soll es sein.
Ja, eine Gitarre spielt sich toll, aber eine Mundharmonika ist für den Transport einzigartig einfach. :smiley: Ich finde es erstaunlich, was man diesem kleinen Ding alles entlocken kann und Ansprüche an das Spielen hat sie nicht weniger als eine :guitar:.
Viel Spaß und eine gute Zeit mit uns!
Viele Grüße von Astrid


Thanks @AstridHandbikebee63 for the welcoming words.

Not gonna lie I had to use Google translate for this one haha.

I am following the 30 days plan and I have compressed 9 days worth of lessons in 3 days, that’s how much I’m enjoying the harmonica now…


Gern, sehr gern @diego.and.aguirre. Dein Humor gefällt mir! Soll ich dir was sagen? Ich nutze auch den Google Translater… :joy:
Verstehe und schreibe zwar auch Englisch, aber nicht alles. So kann ich mich besser ausdrücken.
30 Tage Programm ist ein straffes Programm!
Respekt, trotz deines bisherigen Wissens.
Ich hatte mich für 6 Monate entschieden. Ok, habe am 15.09. begonnen und bin überraschend auch schon bei der 14. Woche. Vorkenntnisse habe ich durch die Gitarre nicht richtig.
Ich gehe da entspannt vor und wiederhole alles regelmäßig. Mir fehlt fast die komplette Theorie. Mit dieser habe ich gestern begonnen und neben den Lektionen beschäftige ich mich mit meinen Mundharmonikas auch mit fremden Songs, die ich transponieren muss. Dazu lerne ich Software zum Einspielen, bearbeiten zusammen mit Keyboard und Gesang, kennen.
Alles ganz entspannt, ist ja eines meiner Hobbys. Den Alltag mit Verpflichtungen gibt es auch noch.
Dann :metal: mal weiter und gutes Gelingen.
Ich finde die weltweite Kommunikation hier so klasse! Viele Grüße aus :de: nach :ecuador:. :grin:

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Hi. As a retirement project and a means to drive off some dexterity issues, I started to play guitar and keyboards again last year (though not very well!). Thought I would now add harmonica to the mix. I used to play years ago and I want to focus on attempting songs from some of my favourite rock/blues artists. Got myself a Hohner Marine Band, Special 20 (both C) and a Big River Harp (G) so I’m ready to go!


Hey welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here. Good job with the video. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun with that!

Rock on,

Right on, Jeff! Welcome to the forum, man. Glad to have you here. I bet you’re gonna LOVE the Special 20 and Marine Band.

Keep us posted how it goes!

Rock on,


Forgot to mention I’m from UK but have lived in Norway for 30+ years. Hope I’m playing some harmonica tunes by the end of the long Norwegian winter!


Oh, you live in Norway :norway:, a beautiful country. You have enough time to learn the harmonica. I just imagine it, so nice when the wood cracks in the stove and the cozy warmth.
We also have :cloud_with_snow: in Germany depending on the region.
Here, where I live, it is rather “dirty weather”. :smiley:


Yes. Last year’s project was trying to re-learn the guitar - I’m still learning. But I will definitely have time to focus on harmonica this winter! It is nice here - I live outside Oslo in a quiet area with a forest to take walks in. I walk most days 3-5 km per day but it gets tricky in the winter with ice and snow on the ground. Anyway nice to hear from you :slight_smile:


Luke. Well after just one morning my harmonica playing has never sounded this bluesy :slight_smile: Started with your Blues Chord video and I’m finally some way to understanding what 1st position, 2nd position etc means. And its also fun. Thank you. (I see from the video you play ukulele - so do I but not very well!).


Diego. You’re lucky you don’t play piano. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Right on Jeff! Yeah, being a musician and music teacher in Hawaii they require you to learn ukulele. :wink:

I’m so glad that you’re having fun and making progress already. Just think how good you’ll be by the end of the long Norwegian winter. :wink:

BTW - couldn’t help but think about the Beatle’s song when @AstridHandbikebee63 was talking about Norwegian wood. :wink:

Rock on,


When I started to re-learn guitar I decided to get to know my limitations and play enough to enjoy it rather than get frustrated as I had done before. I think I’ll take the same approach with harmonica - of course if I can get anywhere near the standard of Robert Plant or Bruce Springsteen I will be very happy!