Introduce Yourself!

Welcome! If you haven’t already done so, this Chat forum is a great place to start a thread saying hi and introducing yourself. I’m really excited for everyone to have a chance to build some community around learning harmonica and playing music!

I want to get to know you all too, so start a thread below and say hi!



je m’appel olivier , je suis de liège (Belgique) et j’aime m’amuser avec mes ruine babine dés que je peux et aussi mes 6 cordes
assez éclectique musicalement mais surtout basé sur le blues


Bonjour Oliver! Glad to have you here. I’m a Blues lover too. Keep on rocking, and welcome to the forum!

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Hi I am Alan. I would like to know about riffs. A friend asks me to play for him. I play a riff. He goes and? What I want to know is how to expand a riff. Thank you.

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Good evening from the Chicago area. Enjoying your course. Goal is a fun hobby. Love all sorts of music. The Blues are pretty big here.
Picked up a nice little Hohner before beginning your course.
It’s time to commit to a better and, frankly, bigger Harp and might as well spring for the set. Finding affordable Lee Oskar 7-instrument sets that want me to specify which Keys. Which do you suggest?


Hi Alan - welcome to the forum! You might like some of the ideas presented in this lesson if you haven’t seen it already:

Hey Rich from Chicago! Glad you’re enjoying the course, my man. Congrats on the upgrade of harps! I’d probably go for C, D, A, G, Eb, Bb, and F.

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Thanks very much! Appreciate the guidance and quick response.

Hi, I’m Peter from Liverpool England, I got my love of harmonica after listening to artists like Neil Young, Bob Dylan and my two favorite players Paul Butterfield and Little Walter, as well many other players.
I am currently working my way through JP Allen’s Happy Harpin’ course and also plan on doing the Beginner To Boss course as well before moving on to Breakthrough Blues. I have only been learning the harmonica for six weeks, but I am loving the play-along nature of the lessons. I feel I am learning more this way than from books and the mixed bag of youtube videos that I have tried unsuccessfully in the past.


Hello, I’m Chris Irvine from the Northwest Territories in Canada. I’m new to the harmonica having recently finished the Beginner to Boss program, a course I can whole heartedly recommend. In fact I’m about to dive in a second time to go through all the material again in preparation for revisiting bending and tongue blocking… a long process to perfect, but I feel good about the progress so far. Who knows where after that.


Yes, Peter from Liverpool! You’re on a good track, my friend. It’s nice to meet you, and look forward to seeing you around the harmonica universe.

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Woo hoo! Right on Chris! Yeah, I saw you fly through the course man. I’m glad you’re gonna go back again and milk it for all it’s worth. That’s how I tried to design the course - my hopes was a beginner could go through it a couple times, step a way for some months or years, and come back and do it again and get a whole other level of value from it. It’s jam packed for sure.
Nice to see you here in the forum.


I am Peter Gardiner, age 89, and am in fairly good shape except for balance situation for which there is no apparent medical cure.
I have been trying to learn the harmonica and have no previous musical experience.
I have 4 harmonics, a Bluesband “C”, a Chicago Blues “C”, a Lee Oskar “C”,
and a Special 20 “A”, all of which are Hohner. No, I don’t know why I have so many and still can’t play any properly!
Yes, I have a fancy instruction book and have tried to follow Luke, but to no avail!
How can I learn to play, not fancy merely play for my own enjoyment or is that an exercise if futility?

Hey Peter - welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you. When you say you’ve tried to follow my lessons, I’m wondering which ones? Did you do these 3 free Lessons? Have you checked out my Beginner to Boss course?

It most definitely is not an exercise in futility. You can do it!!


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Hi, peter, nice to meet you. I too had tried to learn harmonica on and off for years via various books and youtube videos with no luck. Then an advert popped up on my facebook for easy harmonica lessons, intrigued I clicked on the ad purchased the beginner course and now I am getting somewhere. Any lessons from will get you off to a great start, it’s not futile stick with it.

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It is certainly very frustrating, but I will stick with it as you suggest.



Hi fellow harmonica players. My name is Maureen and I live in Orkney. Just started out on this journey and enjoying it. Struggling sometimes with the true single notes but determined to keep at it.


Hi, Maureen
Nice to meet you, I too am new to the harmonica and I am also practicing my single notes, sometimes I get them and other times the notes either side bleed in, so more practice needed. I am still struggling with the difficult notes ie the 2 draw etc but again practice will be key. Best of luck with your learning.

Hi Pete,
Yes I agree it’s practice. Having fun with it though. Busy lambing just now so practicing on the run. Glad somebody else is having the same problems as myself.

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Hey Maureen - welcome to the forum! So happy to have you hear. Struggling with single notes is totally normal at the beginning. Luckily, neighboring notes on the Harmonica sound good more often than not, so at least we have that working in our favor? Are yo working with sheep? If so, do they love the harmonica? My dog loves it buy can’t help himself from howling along, so I have to kick him out of the room, lol.

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