Introduce Yourself!

Hey Don - welcome to the forum! Saw you’re post in the course comments, but I’m SO GLAD you’ve joined this community which has LOTS of AMAZING folks who aren’t involved with BTB.

@Toondog has given you GREAT advice for your computer questions.

Once you’ve taken all of her advice, go to, hover over “Account” in the top right corner, choose “Lessons” and then “Beginner to Boss.” Once you’re they’re, you can bookmark that page, or get some young computer-savvy person help show you how to bookmark the page. That can definitely save you time.

Anyways, I’m so grateful to be part of your journey, and impressed by you’re attitude to always keep growing. THAT’S THE WAY DON!

Rock on,


Hello @xav8r,
First of all, you get the utmost respect from me for caring and supporting your wife :pray: and for wanting to rock the harp because of your young age :+1:.
You have already received all the answers you need to use it on a Windows PC. I also used the PC for the Beginner to Boss (BTB) course and it was easier than on a tablet/smartphone.
You may occasionally have to log in again on the PC. That’s why it’s always important to have your login details to hand.
At the beginning there are many tasks, but if you have any questions or problems, we are always there for you here in the forum.
Greetings from Germany from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Hello fellow harmonica players! My name is Joe but you can call me Asshole. I got a Hohner bluesband harp when I was short on Marlboro points to buy my gajillionth Zippo lighter. It sat there for months before I decided to get crazy drunk and play it. The best thing I have ever done in my life. It #1 made me want to and quit smoking. #2 it makes me so f-ng happy, #3 I get to try and play along with my favorite songs. I have never had so much fun. Luke’s YouTube channel has been a godsend. Between him Adam Gussow, Tomlin Lecke, and Will Wilde I have the best teachers. I have been spying and lurking on the community for a while. You guys are bad ass. Thank you for having me.


Great you’ve taken on this new journey! Your musical background will be invaluable: at the end of the day, the harmonica is just a new way to express the music that’s already there inside you. I’m a bass (guitar) player and mandolin player, first signs of creaky fingers made me think the harmonica is a great way to keep playing when other instruments get hard. Plus it’s way easier on the back than lugging a bass guitar and bass stack!


Greetings from Melbourne Australia, just signed up for the course and hoping to tick learning to play harmonica off my bucket list in time before I kick it, I’ve only had my harmonica for 20 years, playing terribly off and on by myself just for the love of it, so I’m looking forward to playing a few songs well for my friends when I’m done! (fingers crossed haha)


Right on Joe. Thanks for posting. Great to have you here. I love your goals. Keep on keeping on. You’re a badass too! :sunglasses::notes:


You’ll be blowing your friends away before you know it! Welcome to the course and the forum. Glad to have you here!

Rock on,


My name is Keith. I was looking for an instrument to play that didn’t take up much space and my wife suggested the harmonica. Since we live in an RV space is at a premium so the harp is perfect. Looking forward to starting the course here in a couple of months after I complete the book I’m currently working from so Luke can break me of the bad habits I’ll have acquired by then :slight_smile:


LOL. Welcome to the forum Keith! So glad to have you here. Congrats on deciding to learn the best, most portable, and most compact instrument on the planet. Rock on. :sunglasses:

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Welcome. I also love the way Harmonica is so easy to carry around. Only suggestion I would make from your intro is don’t wait. If you can play at all dive into Lukes course even just as a bit of variation from your book course. Bad habits can be hard to break.
Lukes course has no time limit and you can skip around backwards and forwards on the lessons as you would in a reference book rather than a really structured course.
Personally I’m stuck in part 3 because I’m hell bent on getting the 2 draw perfect. If dipped into bending but will not really go there until I can play more scales. Happy harping!


What a treat - being asked to address someone as ’ asshole '. My story is very similar and, in particular, l attend the same church with the three high priests - Luke, Will and Tomlin. :laughing:


Not just blowing them away, but also drawing them in!


Welcome @harveybabes! I too recently followed the same route as you and chose @Luke was the deciding factor. Well, now that you have the “bugs” worked out, so to speak, best of luck. Enjoy the journey!


Welcome @Freefly8! Glad you joined the club. Enjoy the journey. :wave:


Thank you. I’m sure there is a lot of info here for a beginner enthusiast. It’s the only instrument I seem to be able or play while driving. I know but it’s safer than smoking or drinking and driving.


Thank you - have you been playing for long? I’m finding it addictive and realised my wife asked me to do the dishes an hour ago…!

I feel practicing some exercises can relieve alot of stress. I am really keen to play Blues but am being a good student and learning the fundamentals first. Loving the course so far - my dog has come back to sit next to me whilst learning the riffs so that’s a good sign, I think.
I am a complete musical novice but appreciate great music. I am pleased with myself recently as I have found some tabs online and have corrected a few of them by ear and using my harp.

Being able to improvise on the Blues scale will just be the icing on the cake.

I’m confident that this forum will be a good source of information and hope to help somebody one day myself.



It is so cathartic. I’m being nosey but coming from a place that is mostly completely flat. Where are you standing in you cool avatar?


Ha - glad you like it :+1: - one of my challenges for this year - it’s on the start of the arête of Crib Goch Snowdonia Wales - an incredibly exposed place with a 1000ft sheer drop to one side and not a very nice fall the other (at points it is only about a foot wide which you have to scramble aka the knife edge) - both exilerating and terrifying for somebody from the flatlands! If only i had my harp - I’m keeping it quiet from my friends for now.


Oh. Sounds great. In 3 weeks we will be on Cradle Mountain Tassie. I can’t wait. I’m no climber but I love the bush.


Don’t we all :rofl:. Looks beautiful. Some of my wife’s family moved to Oz and NZ - we want to tour all round including Tasmania - one day hopefully