Introduce Yourself!

Someone asked me to play this today. Great lyrics. Funny coincidence.


My new maxim! Don’t let the old man in!!

Thank you, Nita @toogdog !

– Slim :sunglasses:


Wow @toogdog , wunderful with the right dose of feeling. Perfect!


Hi PapaCurly, I practise harmonica everyday since new year. Answering your question i live in city Kaluga(Rus). It has interesting history (Space science was born here).


I’ve saw that video :laughing:. Here we dont have much harmonica players(I know only one in our whole city) but i learn it anyway. Thanks Astrid :yum:


@Daniil_Trusov, @Daniil, your city in Russia, Kaluga has around 325,000 inhabitants. My city has around 630,000 inhabitants and I seem to be by far the only one who still plays the harp :sob::joy:.
It feels like the older ones all used to play, while hiking or around the campfire. Sad, since Hohner and Seydel are the forefathers of the harps and come from my country. But you’re by far the youngest who will hopefully find lasting fun in it.

Do you want to complete Luke’s BTB course or via YouTube and other channels? If the latter, don’t get lost, there’s too much to do without really learning much!

Have fun! Astrid


@AstridHandbikebee63 I already watched lesson #1 and learned DRMP and now i learn rythm by metronome. Sadly i can’t buy course because two reasons ( money, card doesn’t accept) but i watch everyone who play harp and teaches it(Luke by far most favorite). Also i borrowed a book by Steve Baker called Big river harp (Its on English, but because I know it its not a big deal). And even save money for East top 008k. Thanks for support!


Hi, I’m Joe from Florida. I started this course (Beginner to Boss) two days ago and I’m loving it. I have a question, where do I get the app for my phone so that I can use my phone to take my lessons? Currently, I’m using my laptop.


Hi Joe.
I like the course too. It’s great.
I’m pretty sure only the forum has an app because the forums free.
To use your phone for lessons you can open HARMONICA.COM. on your web browser, then save the page as a bookmark or favourite. You can make shortcut to that website which will act very much like having an actual app.
Hope this helps
If you have a Samsung phone I can give you the exact steps. Iphone or Google phone would be similar.


Yes, thank you so much. That worked. The reason I want it on my phone is because I get up very early in the morning (4 or 5 am) and I don’t want to wake up my family in my house. Now, I can just practice outside in my car every morning (except Sundays)

Thank you!


Wow! First of all I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Stavi, in the Southern Colorado music scene I’m known as Electric Catfish. I’m so pumped to have found this forum/group. Super excited to learn and share what I know, with like minded individuals. Here’s what I play on. I play Seydel harps, through a Honer Harp Blaster and into a Bugera 10w tube. Simple and dirty.


@Daniil_Trusov Welcome to the forum my young friend. So glad that you’ve decided to take up harmonica and I pray that you never quit!!

@Jr-58 welcome to the forum and I’m so glad you’re enjoying the course! You may know this about me already, but I do the same thing - I don’t know how many hundreds or more likely thousands of hours I’ve practiced in my car in the driveway while the fam is asleep.

@electric.catfish welcome to the forum my friend! Setup looks killer. I’ve had a couple Bugera amps that I’ve used on guitar and they’ve been great. I’m imagining it works very well for harp. My parent live in Boulder so I visit Colorado occasionally. Rock on! :sunglasses:


Hi, I’m new to the harmonica & I bought a Hohner Special 20. I enjoyed your video on starting out properly. I’m mostly interested in playing classic rock & roll songs. Are there number stickers I can purchase, not notes, to make it easy to see hole numbers?


Hi Palyz. Welcome. I think as you play faster stickers would come loose. I tried this and it works to define the numbers making them clearer to read.
Apply a thick coat of permanent marker over the numbers. Rub hard so ink goes into the engraving. Wait sometime for it to really dry.
Rub gently to remove ink on the smooth surface only. I used a very mild abrasive cleaner. If you use something solvent based it will remove all the ink. You want to leave behind the ink in the grooves of the numbers.
You’ll probably need to repeat it.
You can just mark say the 4 hole with tape or nail polish. This at least gives you a starting point to find with your mouth.



Thanks, great advice, I’ll definitely try this!!!


Hey @Paulyz - very cool response from @toogdog.

My response is to find hole numbers NOT by looking, but by playing/sliding/counting. If you’ve seen any of my YT videos you’ll notice I do this all the time “let’s find hole five” (then I play: 1,2,3,4,5) ok there’s hole five, and then you can figure holes relative to that one.

This is one of the unique things about harmonica: we can’t see anything! SO different from saxophone or guitar or piano where you can see so clearly what finger to put where, for example!


I might try this for the key labels on my special 20s.


Hi my name is Carlo,love harmonica !!!


Hi Carlo. You’re in the right place.