Introduce Yourself!

Hello. Just completed the free courses. I was very impressed. Need to adjust my tablet so it will play the jams,they don’t start. But will sign up for the course tonight or tommorow.


Welcome. I look forward to hearing more about your progress.


Thank you toogdog! I’ll report back :black_cat:


Hello Master Luke. I am Marcio Scucuglia, 49 years old. I am Brazilian, living in MI, USA; I always wanted to learn Harmonica - I have started several times, I have completed some “learn yourself”, but in the last months I took it serious and I am glad to found you in youtube and later here. Thank you a lot for all the learnings so far, and I am looking forward to learn more


Hi everyone I’m Cameron from cambridge, England. I started playing harmonica end of last year and absolutely love it. There’s something about playing that gives me a feeling of warmth and absolute happiness. So far I’ve purchased two hohners and two seydels ! Look forward to continue playing for many more years. All my best to you all. God bless !


@akay13 that’s so Awesome Annie! Welcome to the forum. When is the wedding?

Hey @mailgaryk welcome to the forum my friend! So cool you’re learning in secret. I recommend the car as a good place to practice in private. :sunglasses:

Ha! Love it @Lluvia_Magica

Love your handle too! Magical rain. Glad the site/videos have been helpful, and so glad that you’ve come out of hiding! :wink:

@Barry1 so excited that you’re joining both the course and the forum. Welcome!

@scucugliam welcome meu irmão! My wife and I love Brazilian music and play a lot of it together (she is a musician too.) She sings in Portuguese - but she only learns it phonetically, lol. She doesn’t know what she’s singing. :rofl: In case you missed it, you can check out a solo I played on a Gm harmonica on Agua De Beber at one of our duo performances here.

Hey @Cameronjake from Cambridge, welcome to the forum! Yes I agree with warmth and happiness form the harmonica. So which harp is your favorite?


It’s difficult to choose. I have a crossover in c which sounds amazing and a seydel lightning in a f. It’s difficult to choose as I’m trying to get use to different playing styles with each one. There all beautiful ! I just hope I can become proficient one day. By the way I really think you’re great ! All my best mate


Hi Cam from Cambridge, Sounds like you well and truly have the bug. It’s a strangely powerful little instrument. Lots of other addicts here to talk to.


Hello, im Ricky Herington, ive been playing harmonica for almost 50 yrs., mostly country, blues, rock, folk. Looking foward to chatting. Born and raised in La. , moved to central Fl. I also play sax, ewi wind controller, and 3 row button accordian zydeco .


Thank you!!

1 Like

Hello! I’m André, from Brazil. I’m a 30 yo dentist, who, just out of the blue, decided to play the harmonica. A friend asked “why the harmonica?” and I’ve replied “why not the harmonica?”. Without any previous musical knowledge, I hope it won’t get too overwhelming haha cheers!!


You’ll be great. Your clearly clever and now you’re in great company.


OK everything working. This is a really fun course. Thanks for all the work you guys put into this.


Hey Luke! so excited to finally start learning. Got tired of scrolling through all the youtube lessons. I have only learned to play one song on my own but want to learn the basics so i can add more to my repertoire! Wish me luck!


Hello. I’m Joel. Just purchased my first harmonica. It’s a Special 20. I just watched your review. I’m not liking the way the corner of the S20 is digging into my hand, and saw you mentioned this issue. I wonder if I got one that’s worse than normal. Lol. Do you know if anyone has sanded that back corner to round it off before? Just a thought. Thanks.


Hello @JMac69,

welcome to our forum.

Some others and I have answered this question in another thread.

Regards from Astrid


Hi ! Ken from Johannesburg South Africa.
About 6 weeks in on a diatonic C. Got tongue blocking sorted and am now attempting bending. My question is do raise or lower the tongue while keeping it attached to the instrument ?


Thank you.


This is a good lesson to learn:

If it’s not the way you want it, try and fix it.

I remember when I got my first harmonica, I was afraid to do anything to it. After awhile, I realized they are pretty durable. They can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

The other day my Baby Fat IN Bb fell on the ground. I immediately felt it scraping my lip to the point where it got sore.

I opened her up, filed down the bent corner, put her back together and she’s good as new.

Sand it, bang it, or bend it back into place and you should be go to go :+1:


@Ricky_Herrington welcome to the forum! Happy to have you hear my friend. Very cool all the different stuff you’re doing.

@dettitan Aloha André from Brail, meu irmão. My wife and love Brazilian music and play a lot of it on our duo gigs. She sings in Portuguese, but she just learned it phonetically - no idea what she’s singing. Haha! Here’s a little solo from Agua de Beber

@venezia3 good for you for investing into your musical education. You’re gonna reap great rewards. Welcome aboard!

@JMac69 welcome to the forum Joel! YES, you can sand the corners! You can also use a lighter grip. :wink: Remember relaxation is the key to everything.l

@Ken1 Hi thanks for posting here. This would be good to start as a separate thread topic. But the short answer is you raise the back of the tongue while keeping the front on the comb of the harmonica. It’s harder than when lip blocking, but you’ll get it with lots of practice!