Introduce Yourself!

Hey im Keller, been around music my whole life. Father has been a professional musician for my whole life. Never learned a instrument but decided harp was a unique underutilized instrument cant wait to start really learning the good stuff. Just started second unit. A lot to go!


Hello harmonica players. It’s good to see you here Luke. I’ve been playing for a year now and I really enjoy this in my old age.
Trying to progress my playing style and knowledge, so I’ll be navigating with some questions.
Luke I’m so glad you have a tutorial for If You Wanna Get to Heaven. I’ve been fortunate to have been picked up by a local rock band and this is my signature song.
I do a lot of the vocals too on a lot of our songs so my lungs are getting a good workout for sure. Very enjoyable for me to see people clapping to songs and dancing.
Thanks for having me onboard.


Welcome. Sounds like you’re already doing what many aspire to. Well done.
Any videos?


Hi, Bill here. I turn 80 next year. My mom taught me two songs on a harmonica when I was probably around 11 years old. I bought a Hohner when I was 19 and could still play those 2 songs and never really advanced at all. Well years later I inherited my Mom’s Hohner Echo in key of G and that one sounds so nice. Then many years later I decided too gift my two harmonicas to my granddaughters, they are quite musically inclined and was sure they would use them. Well, later I missed them so I bought another one, and then 2, and then the 3rd one. I have decided to self teach myself and broaden my horizons and learn new songs since I have plenty of time. I am enjoying this immensely and just wanted to join this forum for fun. Thanks for listening.


@Hobo34 Welcome to the forum! So glad you’v decided to join us.

@Thisgirllovestomatch some of my wife’s fam is near Madison so I’ve been to Wisconsin a few times. Beautiful. Welcome.

@cookkeller thanks for the introduction. Can’t wait to hear how your journey continues. Rock on! :sunglasses:

@snomopc right on my friend! You are so fortunate to get to play in front of people as that will provide a huuuuge acceleration to your continued growth on the harmonica. Welcome to the forum!

@wproct welcome to the forum Bill. Glad you’ve decided to join us. Rock on! :sunglasses:

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Howdy Everybody, I’m Adam from out East KY way. I love Irish, old time and blues music! I’m really working on learning tunes by ear but it’s a challenge!


@Madmartigan26 Hey Adam from Kentucky - slow and steady my man. Even if you learn only 3 or 4 notes a day, that’s a HUGE accomplishment. Rock on! :sunglasses:


Hey Bill !
Ken here. I am 68. Picked up the Harmonica for the first time in April this year. Have’nt stopped since. Dumped the Silverstar and got a Special 20. Also doing the self teach thing. Many Youtube clips offering sound advice.
Keep practising !


Fyi Luke put songs on that are do able. Am not a blues fan so I do my best to learn whatever he posts on Youtube.

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Hi Ken @Ken1 and Bill @wproct

If you are not so very much into the blues styles , there are still lots of very good lessons out there for other styles as well. One of my favorites is Ed Hopwood’s YouTube site The Harp Barge. Although he does cover some blues, most of his emphasis is on country and folk music.

But as I said, there are many other excellent sites for other styles.

Best regards from another “old fart”,
– Slim :sunglasses:


Hey guys, thank you very much for the suggestions. So far I haven’t checked youtube out very much, I have just been playing some old hymns etc. by ear. I have tried to play with some music that I like but it’s kind of difficult because I need a harmonica in a different key I think. Anyway, I’m having a lot of fun with this and I will take a look at the suggested youtube sites. Appreciate the conversations.


Thanks Slim,
Will check it out
PS : my nose is working now :smile:


Hi Luke/anyone listening
I saw your beginner lesson on you tube and loved it. I literally have no talent/ability musically and struggle to tap my feet in time to a beat. I have purchased the harp Luke suggested and had a quick blast at the free beginners lesson. I am happy to purchase the full course but am concerned that my hitherto lack of musical connection will make it impossible for me to reach a standard I can enjoy.
Would appreciate opinions. Also im not understating my lack of musical connection
Cheers Neil


Welcome to the club, Neil. Even though I didn’t enter the harmonica with no music experience, learning an instrument from scratch sounds like it’s pretty fun. I would highly recommend checking out videos about the 7 core elements of music, how to count time as a musician, and learning what melody and harmony are.


will get on that straight away, think this could be fun


This harmonica is an attempt to put something into my hands that I might one day be able to play to express myself. It’s only the second instrument I have tried to learn how to play. I tried the guitar when I was 13. I am now about to turn 70. I took six lessons at a music store. I had an acoustic guitar that my parents spent $16.99 to buy. It took twenty minutes to tune, usually one string broke, and ten minutes remained for my lesson. I gave up, using the poor guitar as my excuse. My name is Eric and this time I am older and understand commitment and how to persevere.


Hi Eric
Invest in the beginner to boss course. It will catapult you off to a good start


That’s exactly what I’ve done. Time will tell :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, I’m Roy from the UK. At 90 I’m a bit old for starting anything new let alone the Harmonica. I bought the harp today and I’m trying to sign up to instruction from
someone. So here goes.


Go for it, Roy @Roy1 !! And welcome to the forum !

Best regards,
– Slim :sunglasses: