Introduce Yourself!

Welcome Roy. Whereabouts in the UK are you? I’m in Birmingham


Hi my name is charchit wagle and I come from country named Nepal. I have been playing harmonica from few days so I don’t understand a lot of things about it. But I do play some tones I guess as sad one and happy one tone. Sometimes I even play as a army tone. I really don’t know how to describe my sounds. So yes I am a beginner no idea what lies beyond that. I have 24 holes harmonica with small holes 48. I got this harmonica from my uncle. My uncle bought this harmonica for his song but he didnot play at the time and I got harmonica after many years so its pretty old and not used since. Sometimes I feel like sounds are not coming right. I really don’t know how to describe it.


@tone_deaf_neil thanks for the note! Welcome to the forum. You CAN INDEED reach a standard you can enjoy. Try it! Money back guarantee, so no fear. :facepunch:t3: I appreciate the humor of your handle, but there’s no such thing as “tone deaf”. ANYONE can learn to match pitch. Rock on! :sunglasses:

@orthoalt Hi Eric! Welcome to the forum. Your journey with harmonica is going to turn out VERY different from with guitar. And I do actually believe that the instrument was to blame with your guitar experience. A poor carpenter blames his tools, but there IS a minimum threshold. You can’t pound a nail with a plastic hammer.

@Roy1 God bless you my friend! Honored to have you here. WELCOME to the forum. And please keep us posted how it goes for ya. Rock on! :sunglasses:

@Charchit_wagle welcome to the forum! I believe you’re the first person from Nepal to join us! Yes, sounds like you have a tremolo harmonica. I recommend purchasing a 10-hole harmonica which is what most of us here play most of the time. If you can’t get one, let me know and perhaps I can help you. Rock on! :sunglasses:


Hello from Southwest Florida. Just getting serious about learning the blues harmonica. I have been playing the tenor sax for a couple years . And I’m finding the harmonica is a lot easier to put in my pocket and jam with backing tracks in my car , and elsewhere ha ha . Glad to be here !


Hello Luke and everyone, I am from eastern North Carolina. I will be 75 in November, but I still play in a local band. Self taught, straight harp and cross harp. Americana and Blues. No mike or amp, straight into vocal mike. I want to simulate the saxophone with a harmonica on
the song, Turn the Page, Bob Seger. The song is ‘Em,D, A. What key would I need? Buy the way, I play diatonic harps, Suzuki,Lee Osker,Hohner. Thanks for any advice.


Hey there, I’m a harmonica player residing in the Kansas City area. I wanted to join this forum for the community and common interest. Thanks! Here’s a link to a quick video of me playing.


Hi Welcome. Are you doing the course? Beginner to boss?


I’m not familiar with that course, actually. What is it?


Its Lukes course. If you go to from a browser you will find the Beginner to Boss course
Its linked to this forum.


Oh okay, thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it.


Luke also has heaps of free Youtube lessons


Roger that, thanks for the info!


Hi My Name is Andy I’m a harp player of 30 or so years, kind of got frustrated and quit for a while also I had a bit of a health scare that destroyed my energy, kind of making a come back now building a rep. Just wish I could find a band with similar tastes so I can show people what I can really do. My playing style is a mix of everything I’ve ever heard. Whether it harp, guitar sax trumpet, I’m a Magpie I steal all of other people’s shiny bits. I also sing, again inspired by everyone I’ve heard. Looking forward to talking with fellow harpists on here. My main style is Blues, but I can pretty much turn my harp to most styles. I recently played with a few superb bands having a jam. One was a 30’s style blues band with a very clear sound and I really loved that. It got me really fired up to really kick into high gear.


Hey, Andy @Andy2 !!

Welcome to the forum. I think you will find some interesting people and topics here. Take your time and look around at what has been posted. The “Search” function can assist you as well.

Best regards,
– Slim :sunglasses:


hi from Tennessee first time trying to play any interment. hope to be able to pla for the fun of it with friends.
thanks charlie


Hey I’m Dori, from the coast of North Carolina. I started fiddling around with harmonicas about a year ago. I have absolutely no musical background (piano-school flunk-out)… but I’m intrigued by the harmonica. I can bend notes, but having such trouble with single-note play. I also have a wierd way of holding the harmonica. Oh I’m a mess, but I DEARLY want to play well…


Greetings from the sunny UK.
I’m a complete newbie on the harmonica, but can knock out a tune or two on the 5-string banjo.
I’d like to learn how to play the harmonica as it they sound great and are a lot more portable than a banjo!
I’m considering joining the Beginner to Boss course, but it’s a bit expensive for me - I’m a poor, impoverished state pensioner. What do you think? Should I bite the bullet?
Best regards


Hi Dori,
Are you anyway near the OBX?


Go on. Sink your teeth into it. It should be on the national health. You will get increased lung capacity. Lifted spirits and all us new oddball friends!


Hi Toogdog, I reckon that I might just do that.
I now have permission from the Boss, so here goes!