Introduce Yourself!

About 6 hours away, but I love OBX. I’m at Ocean Isle Beach.


Hi Sonnyboy - I’m from Eastern NC too!


Hi, I’m Pete Hogie. I’ve been playing since the mid 2000’s. Really love the harmonica. I’ll be headed to my first SPAH next week. I was invited to play in the variety show and am giving a seminar. I’m really excited about learning from everybody and meeting some of my harp heroes. I live in the Chicago area.

I’m eager to give the forum a try, miss the experience of the old fashioned forums :slight_smile:


Hi Corey!

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Howdy everyone! Names JC and im in Dallas and iv been practicing on and off for 5 months. Unfortunately iv messed up the number one hole reeds on all 3 of my harmonicas (crossover, pro harp, special 20) somehow. If anyone has advice on tools or videos, id greatly appreciate it! Id also appreciate it if anyone can refer me to any cool country and blues harmonica themed music since im still new to the scene.

With Peace & Love!


There’s an absolute ton of vids on repairs etc on YouTube what’s it doing exactly I might be able to help


Yea I’m just not sure what exactly wrong with them. They are blown out of tune tho.


@Timbo500 Yeah you can’t beat the harmonica for portability! Don’t tell anybody, but I do most of my practicing in the car. Welcome to the forum!

@Sonnyboy_Holland welcome to the forum! You’re just a spring chicken round these parts. :wink: Lee Oskar Em Natural Minor would make it nice and easy for ya -7 -6 -5 4 -4, and you can get some bending action on the -6, -5, and -4 to make it sound nice and soulful. Hope that helps! Rock on! :sunglasses:

@Michaelgb93 welcome to the forum! How long have you been playing for?

@Andy2 welcome to the forum bro! Keep on rocking. “If you build it, they will come.” :wink: You could try putting an add on Craigslist under musicians “Harmonica player looking for musicians to create the best music in the world” or something like that.

@16charlie Welcome to the forum! You got this! :facepunch:t3:

@Dori Right on! Yes, you’re gonna do great with harmonica. You might be a good candidate for Beginner to Boss or I’ve got a playlist of beginner lessons in a good order here.

@Phil - it’s a moneyback guarantee. If you’re not happy after a few months, you can get your dough back. Otherwise, check out the free lessons I just linked above👆🏼

@Hogie.Harmonica Welcome to the forum! I’m at SPAH too! (Last year was my first.) If you know what I look like and see me, stop me so we can connect!

@InHarmsWay Welcome JC! I think Buddy Greene is the best at country harmonica. Check him out. :sunglasses:


I’ve been playing on and off for a few years now but just lately have really been taking it particularly seriously.


Thank you all for the welcome ! I have been playing for about a month , and really digging it . I am actually sitting next to a fire pit in the Smokies Mountains practicing , while my house is being tented in Southern Florida.
Great forum full of information and knowledgeable talented people !


I want to say Thank You for being the reason I felt confident during the scary beginnings of learning to now. I got a long ways to go but im enjoying my journey much more because of your YouTube videos!


@Luke it’s cool that you practice in the car. I do that sometime too - I actually leave a harmonica in my truck just for traffic jams.

I walk my dog usually about 7-10 miles a day. I recently started practicing harmonica while walking. It’s amazing how quickly your steps become a built in metronome.


Hey Bruce , I’m also in the Lower Laurentians. Contact me if ou want.


@Luke it was great to see you. I love what you do here.


@Luke I found this great song Wammer Jammer by The J. Geils Band. First off WHAT A SONG!!! now that’s what I want to play!!! but I was youtubed how to play it and one of your old accounts and videos came up, but what I wanted to ask is that a song we cover in your courses? I know its pretty advanced but just something to look forward to.


Welcome to the club, been trying to play that myself for some time, I leave it the come back to it, leave it then come back to it. It’s a hard one


Hello everyone, I’m from Germany and 44 years old. I was looking for an instrument able to be played in my lunch brake and small enough so I can carry it with me. I ended up buying a Suzuki olive harmonica and (my first bad purchase) a shinobix silencer. After watching one video of Luke I bought the course and it’s a lot of fun so far.
I can’t really imagine playing the harp properly but I really enjoy jamming in first position to the backing track😅
Getting my lips in position to play single notes is something that seems impossible at this moment.

Looking forward to get to know all of you✌️

I would like to ask something: my mustache sometimes get stuck in the harmonica, somebody else has this problem? And if so, any recommendations for a harmonica where this can’t happen?


Welcome to the forum ! I am very new to it also , and the instrument too . Yes it’s great for carrying with you . I played a tenor sax , and well you get the point ha ha . And my mustache sometimes get caught between the covers and the comb . I trimmed it up a lil and it doesn’t happen as often anymore. Have a blast across the pond !


@Petru Welcome. I’ve seen adverts for silencers, personally when staying in hotels and don’t want to disturb others I use a bit of foam pipe lagging and play quietly. Playing quietly is a really good exercise anyway but why do you think the Shinobix was a bad purchase? Please share your reasons as they might help others on the forum. Jay1


It’s not so bad, but the sound is not so good and it is still to loud. It’s also to big to carry it in the jeans pockets.