Introduce Yourself!

Hello toogdog, Val from Florida. Glad you figured out that pie-anna, is my way of saying piano. I just do that to mess with people’s heads. You’re right, when you say that you either have the soul of music or you don’t. Actually, I started learning harmonica with Luke’s free lessons months ago, before I decided to buy his course. I was able to play lowrider by war, and amazing grace along with Luke online. I didn’t sound like an expert, but actually sounded decent, that’s why I finally decided to take the course. Enjoy the rest of your day, and thank you for your response to my intro, Val.


Hello Luke and fellow Harmonica students. I’m Ricardo Valentin, Val for short. I’m 64 years young, but don’t look it. Originally from Brooklyn, N.Y. presently residing in the Florida Keys. My father was a musician, he played the stand-up acoustic bass, and the pie-anna. As such, I believe I’m musically inclined. Brought Luke’s course a few weeks ago, after researching other instructors. I brought the Fender Blues Deluxe, for starters, and plan on buying one of the other two recommended soon. I like the sounds of the Harmonica, and it’s portability. Enjoying the lessons so far. Thank you Luke, Val.


Hello there,

I’m from Milwaukee, I enjoy playing harmonica, and also creating some harmonica mods. I made a version of Brendan Powers’ slipslider for the Seydel 1847, and I also made a version of Jim Antaki’s turboslide where you can change the pitch of the draw reeds on the fly as well.

Other than that I like to play rock harmonica, (I like to transpose guitar parts from Joe Satriani, Angus Young, and some Slash stuff as well) and I have dipped my toes into some jazz standards as well.

You may have seen me at SPAH the last couple of years, probably more nerding out over pedals and tech than playing; though I try to play and practice whenever I get the chance.

An accomplished harmonica player recommended this forum stating the quality of conversation here, so I’m happy to join in.



I am Cody from North East Kansas. I am really enjoying the B2B course and am finding it really easy to follow. I had never taken lessons for any instrument and was a little intimidated to start, but that worry is gone. I haven’t been playing long but am enjoying it far more than I expected.

Thanks for the lessons Luke :slight_smile:


Hello dominico, nice to meet you. You’re obviously more advanced in Harmonica then I am. I’ve only been practicing off and on for several months, before deciding to buy Luke’s course. As such, I’m a real newbie. Enjoy the rest of your day, Val.