A lot of people seem to know how autism affects us more than we who were born with it and struggle with it do. Autism is different in every one who suffers with it there’s no baseline Personally speaking, if it was me I would go, nothing better than showing a bully you don’t care what he thinks
@KeroroRinChou I used to live in Sandusky and then Huron!
Hi Luke,
Patrick here from Halifax Nova Scotia.
I’m 62 and have been a complete amateur since the age of 7.
I’m really comfortable accompanying myself while playing guitar and enjoy substituting harp for vocals on tunes out of my limited vocal range.
I feel I have much to learn about basic harp lingo but expect that I can be a quick study - just haven’t familiarized myself with the lingo because i’m just playing around by myself 99% of the time.
Happy to discover this forum and, to kick things off I’m trying to get good intel on purchasing a full set of harps - I’ve almost exclusively played Hohner harps but simply because they’re what I know.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Patrick62 – Welcome!
If you do some reading of forum discussions about recommendations on the “best harp” you’ll find out harmonica players are like attorneys – ask 3 of them for an opinion and you’ll get 4 answers. And there are constant new contenders and improvement of existing models.
I played almost nothing but Hohners for over 40 years, Seydels for 3, Bends for another 2. At each juncture, they were the right harp. Since about 2012-13, my case of 19 are Suzuki Manjis. But over time, each has been custom tuned and the stock comb replaced with an Andrew Zajac comb.
Everybody has favourites and some of these players try out heaps of different models. Lots of thoughtful, reasoned opinions to consider. But it’s very personal so you may need to test drive a few before you get “a set” of one make/model. Recommend you decide on a few suggested models and try them out – key of A from company #1, Bb from company #2, key of C, etc. Maybe 2-3 from one company but different models. So 8 different make/models may become your “set”. Get one at a time and play it for a while. By the 3rd or 4th you may decide “This is the one!” Only you will know what’s the best for your playing. Good luck.
@BnT players are like attorneys – ask 3 of them for an opinion and you’ll get 4 answers. As an attorney and harmonica player that comment is wrong. Ask 3 harmonica players you may get 4 answers but ask 3 attorneys you’ll get 6 bills but the final answers will all be the same ‘well maybe’. otherwise totally agree
I’ve been lurking for awhile here; might as well introduce myself.
My name’s Charlie. I am 73, retired and live alone. I used to play guitar but there are limits to what I can still do because of hand tremors. I decided to take up harmonica to have a melodic instrument to improvise on during those long lonesome nights.
I was very inspired by a video I saw on youtube of the celtic harpist Donald Black, and that motivated me to work very hard on clean single notes with a clear, rich and singing tone.
I am also very impressed by the Brasilian Indiara Sfair, since her playing is so lyrical.
Currently I am working mostly on getting clean single notes, and also mastering the low end bend notes - I am just getting to the point I can play an ascending and descending major scale on the lower register.
Hi, Welcome.
Sounds like you are on the right track. If you know how to play single clear notes you can do anything. Scales give your improvisation much more scope because your brain knows whats going to sound ok and whats not. Hand tremors are handy, ha ha, with harmonica you just say you meant to do it, it’s vibrato!
Happy harping. Lots of friendly helpful stuff here. Where in the world are you? Great name.
I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Hi, everyone. I’m Richard Watman; I’m in Wisconsin; and I’m just starting to learn harmonica! Nice to be here.
Ross here in Australia. Loving the lessons! Doing a great job Luke!!
Hello all, new member here. I’m a middle-aged, novice harmonica player out of Ohio, USA. I really like Hohners, mostly because of the company’s history. I have a Crossover in C and a Echo tremolo 54/64 in C/G. Prefer melodies and folk style of play, as opposed to blues. Currently trying to break my habit of U-blocking and perfect the lip-puckering technique for single notes.
Don’t forget the provolone and broccoli rabe on your roast pork sandwiches.
Hi, my name is Tranquilla, living in the Netherlands, and i am excited to learn something new and learn from you all.
Welcome. Look forward to hearing your progress. What harmonica do you have?
Hey Adam, welcome to the forum! Was great to meet you at SPAH last summer.
I aslonstarted with U blocking and then went into lip blocking.
Give tongue blocking a solid go, it’s easier to get a good tone and it’s a bit easier on your mouth.
Cool name. Welcome to the forum!
I was glad to meet you as well! Hopefully we can hang out a little more at the next one!
Thanks. I have a hohner 20. I promised myself to buy a larger one if i get better. This one leaves little room for a proper hold and a good mouth position, in my opinion.