I’m pretty angry to be honest. I’ve had a post taken down because it had bad language in it fair enough.
However, I feel I was attacked with out cause called a blow hard, because I am not computer savvy, this post however still remains. Whatever knowledge I have I have imparted freely, I’ve tried to help with TAB even though it’s not my forte. I have been polite and respectful to everyone. I have given people a blow by blow account of my journey trying to learn Chrominica. I find this site impossible to use at times. I find it very frustrating that I seem to be able to download photos directly from my phone but not video? And as for downloading stuff from YouTube it has been so hit and miss and caused me so much consternation I’m just fed up. As an autistic person I try to limit my stress and anxiety as much as possible especially now when I have dangerously high blood pressure which I’m trying to bring down. I don’t need this hassle. I learned harmonica by myself with only a few prods here and there in the right direction. I can play a lot more instruments, all self taught. What I’m saying is I don’t need anyone to learn anything I’ll figure it out. But I really don’t like being insulted from behind a keyboard.
It’s a forum - There is rude people everywhere, and the Internet is no exception.
I read the post you are upset about. My view is that you don’t owe anyone anything, especially over the Internet unless you expressly say otherwise.
I hope you have a better day - Brush off this incident, it is minor in the scheme of things.
I’m so sorry to hear that. You’re probably one of a few people to be affirming of my neurotype and gender. I hope that you can recover from this.
Pls reconsider. We need ya here!
@Andy2 do what is best for you but I’m sad to see you leave. I appreciated all your comments and feedback. Whatever your path, enjoy playing.
@Andy2 I also ask you to reconsider - but also say do what’s right for you.
I would not have used the controversial word you used, but nonetheless I clicked ‘like’ on that post before it was removed to show solidarity because I could tell where you were coming from and had empathy for your pain and so excused you for the slip (but I’m just another foot soldier, so I don’t count). The ‘Powers The Be’ get the final say of course. It’s “Their Game, Their Rules”, so I accept their choice (though wouldn’t a simple edit to remove the offending words have sufficed?).
If you do go, I hope we meet again sometime - but I’d rather you stayed.
Who ever insulted you is a to be ignored. I do not have the coolest temper but its got better. Rude people are everywhere and are to be ignored. I am learning the same way to play a harp. I could read every book about music and never be a better player for it. With brothers like mine growing up was well different. Ever got so mad you put your fist through a brothers aquarium? I have and it did not even hurt for some time. He prepared me well for the bad days of harp playing.
Andy I’m sorry that you are choosing to leave the site, I very much enjoyed our conversations and your positive encouragement. I hope in time you may return to the site. Please take care of yourself
sincerely Marty
Hi guys, I will have some time off and think hard and long about it. The reason I don’t do Social media is because of politics, religion, and people telling other people how to live and this sort of vile bullying that goes on there. I’m not into calling people names and generally I’m very hands on when it comes to people like that, the fact it happens behind the safety of a keyboard with no resources for a proper return of summary punishment is what I find truly frustrating.
Another reason both my wife and I hate the medium, is because She has been stalked twice. The first time I didn’t know her, it went on for two years, until she moved. The second time I was dating her, he didn’t stalk her for much longer. I scared him away.
I’m a bit off the point here but I think you can get my drift.
I’m 63 this year and my inability to tolerate idiots seems to have grown as I’ve got older.
I never expected this response here and my private messages that I must admit that has been very uplifting after the down. So I thank you all and I’m glad to have helped a few people.
Give me a bit of time to cool off. And perhaps go and do other things for awhile. And maybe I’ll feel different.
Thanks again.
@Andy2 It has to be your choice but the post attacking you was way out of order and in my not in the least bit humble opinion, that is what should have been censured. It was an unwarranted, rude, aggressive, nasty post by someone who has contributed nothing so I could not resist jumping on the sender, twice. Your efforts and willingness to give-it-a-go have been an inspiration to those on the forum who have considered playing chromatic.
I’m also questioning remaining but for a different reason. The studio where I’ve been playing is being sold, I don’t know the new owners and as I’m not really a dedicated chromatic player, although I’ll still doodle around when the mood takes me the reason for playing regularly will cease. I’ll still dip into the forum periodically and I wish the players who are more dedicated than I all the best. Jay1
Thanks @Jay1 I’ve been glad of your input on the Chromonica, it was a good mine of information. With what you have said and various YouTube vids ( some of which I tried to post but ultimately couldn’t get this site to work) I for one will miss you probably more than anyone, basically I think even though we have never met I do consider you a good friend. As I do think of many people on this site. Especially those who’ve also privately messaged me on this matter. Any way at this age of 63 I’m considering taking up another Martial arts, as I’ve been doing that since I was 11 or 12, I had to stop for quite awhile and fight my cancer, which was not as fun a martial arts but I had to do that all the same. After finally shedding the weight that the meds put on me and getting over the trauma of the First botched op, and the relief of the second. My Wife thinks I should look into it again as I’ve a lot to offer and a lot to learn in this field. I also need to get my BP down, ( too much of a guilty pleasure can kill you mine was wine and cheese) so I’m going to up my exercise quota by finding a martial arts class that will push me a bit something along the lines of combat wrestling Jiu Jitsu or whatever. I wish you all the best in everything you do. You sound like a proper Bloke. I would’ve loved to have met you.
[quote=“Andy2, post:12, topic:23441”]
You sound like a proper Bloke.
Thanks Andy, I’ve often felt a bit of a fraud, so many people on the forum spend the national debt of a small country on harmonicas plus hours of effort playing but for me it just seemed to come naturally. I’ve been waiting for other session players to pass adverse comments but it doesn’t happen, weird! It’s even worse because I rarely practice; if I hear something I can usually just play it. Thanks for your You sound like a proper Bloke./quote], well that at least makes two of us Jay1
Oh! an after thought. I can’t make things work on computers or mobile 'phones either, fortunately I have people who can do it for me and I have no idea what they are talking about and don’t want to, it’s all unintelligible jargon to me.
@Andy2 I’ve enjoyed your posts mate. But, if something becomes a source of stress or negetivity there’s no rule saying you’ve got to keep on with it.
I hope you decide to com back at some point but take it easy, and, cheers.
There are two of us that have no use for social media. I don’t twist ,tweet, chat or whatever else people do to fill voids in their life. I left for a while and after what the U.S. has been put through the harp was my savior. I cannot play sports as I have 6 more years on me. Cannot fly or fish as I lost my places to go.
Frankly I do not care about what other people think except trust, honesty and reliability. I just play my harps on the deck and let the rest of the world start and try to fix their problems. My kids are adults and educated life has never been better. I cannot tell you the date or day of the week most of the time. Playing the harmonica has been a gift I never thought of. I ignore people and do want I want to.
I live in Texas and music of all types are here. I will die here and only then will my harps go silent.
Point is ignore the rude, ill informed as the are idiots as you point out. Stalking here is dangerous as fire arms are in most homes, which explains why there is little to no volant crime in my area. Come back after a break but never go at it with morons. You will never win as they have been that way for their life. You have come to far with music, which is the best medicine, especially when life gets the best of you. If not keep well and thanks for your comments as they have helped.
I’d urge you to reconsider.
I didn’t see the post or interaction. But I’ve been involved in forums for 35 years and have seen how these things play out.
You know what happens if forums don’t moderate. It’s gets very very bad.
But we also know that means sometimes we are the ones who get moderated. It’s happened to me many times over the years.
Each time it made me upset, true. And sometimes it lessened my enthusiasm or I went somewhere else for awhile.
But eventually I realized it’s just part of spaces that work to keep the quality of dialogue high. And I’m not always thinking about that when I write. Especially if someone was insulting me or something like that.
I find your posts to be a core part of this forum. You provide a ton of value to the people here. I’d hate to see you go.
We’ll be around, hope ya come back.
Oh, there are more than that.
I make 4, & I’m sure there will be others too.
Hey @Andy2, this is such a shame. I’ve been on here a few years now and always found it very informative and supportive and refreshingly free of the sort of stuff you seem to have been subjected to. Obviously you have to do what you feel is best, but your posts are clearly valued and it’d be a shame to lose them over this. Good luck mate, whatever you do.
Hay scott you have a great place to fish, with me in Wisconsin! I live on the Mississippi river! Anytime bud!
Mee2 Andy2 - Cousin Corky
As I once heard said " Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig like it.". @Andy2 lease consider hanging out. Will miss your sharing