Hello all! I am just curious what is a decent but affordable setup for a newbie. Not gonna be trying to gig for a long time but something to play around with at home… My son plays the drums so may jam along with him a little bit. Thanks!
Well, As for Mics I think my Silverfish mic is amazing. It looks the part, but without the classic bullet look. It’s more of a steampunk mic made of wood, metal, and Leather.
Where did you pick that up?
I just found them on the net, did you go with a dirty sounding one or clean?
I got the double option to go dirty or clean it’s more versatile. I’m still playing with amps etc, I’m looking at a pre-amp with a valve to go in via the PA I’m too long in the tooth to be dragging bloody amps around everywhere. If I come across something I’ll post it on here.
I am not finding one with a double option on there. If you get a second could you share a link to the one you got? I see the dirty have a distortion knob on them but I do not see one that says it does both. Thanks!
It’s the most expensive one on there but it’s the best one I’ve ever used, and I’ve played through a fair few.
awesome! Thank you!
No problem
For a cheapo option the superlux 112
I have one and it’s fine for me, but also the only harp mic i’ve tried.
Amp wise, depends on your budget but if you have any guitar amps already (ok, probably not high gain amps, but if there’s an ordinary practice amp around) try the mic with those as you’ll probably be able to get it to sound ok/do the job.
If you’re needing amp specifcally, there’s plenty of guitar amps that would do the job. Some will preach about the neccessity of valves, and I can’t lie, valves are better but they’re not essential. I put my epiphone valve jr (similar design to the one I linked) away because it’s too loud for the small flat I live in, but would keep up with other musicians if you want to jam. At the moment I’m using a little battery practice amp for harmonica and guitar (Nux mighty lite bt mk 2) - it’s OK and has useful features but despite all the features it sounds like what it is.
great info thank you!
Does it sound decent in a normal practice amp? Or will you need a special amp for it? I know nothing about all this
Will sound decent with a normal practice amp, set to clean or very slightly crunchy. You don’t need a special amp, guitar amps work fine and are more or less what got used on all those great blues recordings because that’s what was available at the time.
The microphone for playing electric harp is working more like a pickup than a traditional instrument or vocal mic that’s trying to make the natural sound loud enough for a big space.
Depending on how your playing develops and what your ambitions are there are harmonic specific amps and you can spend whatever your wallet has on gear (which will not make you a better player) but from the sound of it you’re starting out so it’s probably not worth making those kinds of investments until you’re wanting to. If it’s got a solid reputation as a guitar practice amp it’ll be fine (and even if it’s not you’ll be able to sell it again pretty easily). I picked up harmonica a year and a bit ago but i’ve played guitar on and off since my teens.
Ya, this is amp is a “for now amp”. I will def be continuing on and hope to jam with people in the future. I am not looking to be super bluesy, more tipped to the countryish side of the scale I guess(even though a lot of that is bluesy). Thank you for the reply. I am friends with the people at the local record/music shop and they have a nice little 15amp Peavy KB/A 15 they would hook me up with.
That should be fine I’d have thought. Good luck and have fun
I use a guitar amp and a transmitter/ receiver set up so I can go hands free, but I intend to replace the practice amp with a pre- amp modeller with a valve to replicate the sound of a fender Bassman through the PA.
@davemacinnh Have a look at Blackstar, ultra light, lots of options and a good practice amp. Jay1
I will check those out thank you