Mick Jagger 2nd edition

I am new here so i would like to say Hello to everyone. I am also new to playing the harmonica… Can someone tell me if the Mick Jagger 2nd edition Harmonica is loud like the rocket . Also is it good for playing the blues on . Last but not least what is the difference between round hole or square. I read the the round is easier to play single notes on. Any truth to that.



I’ve no idea about the harmonica you asked about, hopefully somone will be along who does.

I don’t think square or round makes that much difference, it’s hard to do at first but as you get better with practice it becomes second nature.


Thanks for your help .

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It looks to be a red Lee Oskar. Take a look at Harmonica.com on YouTube. Luke has a video on the channel about that harp. You can also type " Mick Jagger Lee Oskar" into the search and under videos you’ll see a thumbnail with an image of Luke. Enjoy.


To be honest, you be better spending less money on an ordinary harp than these signature models. Ozzy Osbourne Mick Jagger etc probably played Marine bands or whatever they got their hands on at the time. You are paying extra money for a name that’s all


And with many instruments, not just harmonicas, the real source of any characteristic sound is the player. For example some guitarists are very keen to know exactly what gear their hero plays, but I recall a concert in which Eric Clapton guested with Joe Bonamassa and part way through a song they swapped guitars - sure the sound was a little different but fundamentally Eric playing Joe’s kit still sounded like Eric & Joe playing Eric’s kit still sounded like Joe. :smile:


Thanks for the tips. The only video I can find is when Luke does the unboxing of the Mick Jagger. He does not say much else. Did a bit more digging on the Harmonica apparently it is tuned to Mick Jagger own Lee Oskar . I agree thou pay for the name and tunning .


Mick has been playing Lee Oskar for the last 10 decades. That is one the reasons the teamed up .


Has anyone played the Hohner Rocket ? If so what do you have to say about it .

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I’ve played with it some. Take into account here I’m not an advanced player.

Basically it seems to be a Special 20 on steroids. It is quite loud, a brighter tone than the SP20. I am working on lower range draw bend notes now, and I find the bends on Rocket to be a bit easier than any other harp I’ve tried, including SP20. I have just one Rocket now in C, and I plan on getting another few in different keys down the road.


Thanks for your input

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Hi Santini, I have special 20s, old and new model golden melodies, rocket amps and a recently bought a standard rocket. The rockets are my favorites. They are intended to be an upgrade of the special 20 and to me, they look exactly that. Rounded edges and overall have a higher quality look to them. I can’t say much about tone as I don’t have special 20s and rockets in the same key and I’m not experienced or talented enough to be sure of the difference, but the amp model is more similar to the special 20 as it has closed end cover plates. The rockets are definitely louder than anything else I have, so I can get more volume with the same amount of air, or the same volume with less air, which feels like easier to play. I still consider myself to be a beginner so take that into account, but I love my rockets.
Personally, I agree with Andy about the signature harmonicas, but there’s something to be said for looks, so if having a famous name on the harp means something to you, then go for it.


Thanks for your input .

You have my condolences, I can’t think of a more boring concert than Clapton and Bonamassa together. I’ve seen both before it was the musical equivalent of watching grass grow.


I’ve been looking at Rockets, and several other harps too. I have the old SP 20’s ( which I’ve had a good ten years without blowing them out) I’ve got the new progressives too they don’t last as long as the old one’s so not really progressive. I’ve heard a lot of bad things about the Golden Melody progressive too which puts me off getting one. And the classic model if you can find one costs twice as much?

Just wondering if Rockets have the same reed plates as an SP 20? As they just seem to be a louder version?

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I have a Rocket in E and have used it quite a bit I like how it sounds and plays. I’ve used it at several gigs and during all my weekly rehearsals and have no problems with it. The band I play with is a loud rock band and the audience have said they can hear me play, so I can only speak from my experience and I like the rocket. I also use Hohner Big Rivers and Hohner juke harps a lot with no issues so far. Just got a Lee Oscar in E as a back up and to see how I liked that brand. To early to tell only rehearsed with it once.

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@Andy2 One of the wonderful things about music is that we all have different tastes. If we all liked the same type of music the world would be a much less interesting place, with eveyone playing the same thing and nothing new to discover, or develop. :smiley:


I don’t think they are the same, the rocket reeds appear to be longer than the special 20s, all up and down the range. Happy to be corrected by the experts.

Just like going to a restaurant. I order the fish, you order the chicken, someone else orders pasta. We are all correct.