Hello @HarpinBobbyMcB,
Look, look, I also found a small, like new bag at the weekend . Also goes on a belt. She’s still like new. It also has the option of a shoulder strap. Space for 3 - 4 harps. Black, soft, water-repellent.
Greetings from Astrid
This is the cheapest I’ve found these so far, if you take shipping into account. In some ads it really jumps up, but this is very reasonable, still only $4.64 for shipping 12 of them. So the total price for a dozen is $12.49aud. Thats $8.64 usd. Not bad at all!
I got tired of taking my harps in a case and then needing another bag (or two) for all the odds and sods. And they always seem to want to play in an obscure key at jams, so I need all the harps. And the harmonica ensemble I play in plays some unusual tunes that require unusual harmonicas – and I need to see the tab/music for some of those gigs. The gig coming up on Saturday has 19 songs!
So I usually take:
24 diatonics: A to G + Hi G + Lo C to Lo F + Natural Minors (Am to Gm)
Bass harmonica
Super 64 Chromatic
Tremolo in C
2 ‘egg’ shakers
2 kazoos
Mic (Bulletini) and cable
Mic wireless receiver and guitar bug
A4 music/tab/set list book
4 plug power board
Music stand
Water bottle
I found a guitar pedal case that fits all of the above in it (just) and is liftable (just). The case in one hand and the HG35 in the other and I am ready for any gig!
I have two storage cases - 1 for the 7 Fenders and 1 for 7 Hohners/Lee Oskars. I keep the Hohner Rocket and Ozzy harmonicas in their individual cases. As yet I don’t take them on my travels, but the cases are a big space saver in my music room/den.
@Sachelis - welcome to the forum! Nice to have another Allman Bros fan up in here. I only recently realized that the harmonica playing on Live at the Fillmore East was probably influenced me very heavily in my early days.
@Maka - WOW! Can you please open the case and take a picture for us to see?
Right now I’m still using the Seydel case I took a photo of in the first post in this thread, where I currently have 12 major keys, plus LOW C, D, E, F, and F#, the 12 Natural Minor keys, a bullet mic, and right now I have 4 melody makers hodge podge in the space where the chromatic would go. No space for my Wilde Tuned harps, and plus I’m wanting to get some other keys too, so I’m thinking I may need to start considering a better option…
I also want to address @KeroroRinChou from another post cos it’s more relevant here - you said you can’t fit any of your harmonicas in the little single Hohner/EastTop nylon zipper cases like @jeffw has a photo of for his Rocket above? I’m able to fit Lee Oskars and Golden Melodies into those single cases fine. I usually leave the house with my trusty Hohner Crossover Key of A in one of those cases (an EastTop case, ironically.)
You also mentioned the Hohner Flexcase Large? Thank you for mentioning that - I hadn’t been aware of it! I’m seeing it’s $65 at Sweetwater (and a Demo model for $54) and that seems pretty darn affordable! Plus it comes with a tool kit??? Too cool. So just wanted to hear a little more from you. Do you like yours? Does it fit 48? Any problems with it? I’m seriously considering picking one up.
Special 20, Marine Band, Penta Harp and Ozzy(!) all fit the Rocket case. But the Big River and the Fenders don’t. They are slightly wider than the other Hohners. The Kongsheng case was £25 from Amazon UK - so good value I think. Cascha do a single instrument case that they say fits most blues harmonicas.
I tried it with my Golden Melodies as the one small zip up case came with it in a bundle from Amazon and it didn’t fit. I also tried my Rocket and Special 20s, but they didn’t fit either. The case was way too small for any of my harps.
I use the Flexcase Large for my harps. It carries about 14 harps on each side, but advertisements say it fits about 17 diatonics or 5 chromatics. I find them pretty easy to carry especially if you’re a bedroom musician like myself. I don’t know if it works on stage though.
@Maka Cool beans man! Did you know Lee Oskar makes a Low F# as well? Just thought I’d mention it in case you didn’t know since it looks like you need more harps.
Man, that’s so cool. I wish I had something from my earlier years to use. Familiar stuff makes us more comfortable and confident in all aspects of life. You rock. Cheers, Stone.
This was my harp case until I saw Luke’s Seydel and got jealous. I will say though it feels strange seeing all of the harps out of their boxes and sleeves at the same time… always been pretty anal about my tools, but it sure beats going through the bag when you haven’t got everything you need layed out. Always love this old bag.
Nice. I just ordered a demo model of the Hohner Flexcase Extra Large that Sweetwater had on sale cause my collection is expanding, lol. Will keep you posted when it arrives. Thanks to @KeroroRinChou for turning me onto it.
I have two harmonicas … therefore… if i buy a case for 8 harmonicas i am committed to buying 6 more… otherwise i am wasting the money spent on a case … (will the wife buy that?)
@betterapproach.team buy a lager case to fill. Sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission
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