Ahh ok, I will probably ask my son if he’s aware of it, he’s an anime nut. So he’ll probably point it out to me
@Andy2 here the link on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzrubh9GEcs
Not sure how old your son is but that anime is from 1998 so he might not now. Although the graphics look a bit outdated now, at the time the series was really innovating and pushed the boundaries of the genre as they really worked on a story+a theme+graphic style+music. They formed a band and recorded an entire album “just” for an anime series back then when audience & budgets were not what they are today. Several series followed-up after applying those concepts. This is why it has become a legendary animation and as written on Wikipedia “has been hailed as one of the best animated television series of all time”
James Cotton is who first came to mind for me as well.
Hope you are home now and feeling well and all medical issues are a thing of the past. I still practice daily as its at least 100 degrees here and anything outside is of no interest.
Improvement seems to come in steps. I practice bending with a tuner to see if I hit all three on the -3 and both on -2. It seems the first half step on the 3 bend is most useful. Frankly the third step does not sound so great to me and most of what I play requires the 2&3 bend. I may not ever be great but I’ll die trying.
I had no idea but the fellow that heads up SPAH lives about an hour away and I see him play at various places nearby. He is a fantastic guy and always wants to help and has introduced me to another great harp play nearby. I really enjoy the harp because no-one seems to care what you do for a living and everyone so helpful. Went to an annual folk fest and Buddy Greene was one of the instructors. gave me a short lesson. He can play anything he wants very well and is a class act in every aspect. A truly great guy… If you get a chance look him up on U Tube. The post of his playing at Carnegie Hall is great. He lit the place up. He is as nice as he is talented. A good ole southern boy from Georgia.
Well, I’ve been asked to learn house of the rising sun for a movie not a song I like. I’m looking at doing Oh death, too and there’s a spooky Johnny Cash number the title of which I can’t recall. Also been asking if I could write a song on guitar for the movie and record harp later.
I’m working on a couple of jigs, although building up the speed and accuracy required is hard work.
Shout out to youtube channel Harmonica Fun who makes some really good play along videos
I am currently in the begginer course going lesson by lesson but on my own time im starting to learn wammer jammer…this one will take me a good long time! But I am excited to tackle this beast!
Watched Buddy Greene doing some of this stuff on you tube was completely blown away by his speed and am currently stealing his speed training techniques
I think I’ve already answered this one on your welcome thread. Yes it mental! Really hard one to get you teeth into start really slow build up. Im part way through it and still going
Great YouTube site. Thanks for posting this. I have subscribed.
Right now in working on “wonderful tonight” by Eric Clapton
What a great song!
It brings back wonderful memories
Here’s my take on Wonderful Tonight
¿Qué tal?
No. I can’t not open @HarpinBobbyMcB .
I think I need to keep to writing
Yes for me it opened
Tapped on link
Google drive opened said it was downloading file then i opened file and played it!
Much easier than recording a YouTube Video…
Anyone know of a way to share short audios without having to sign into Google or Dropbox?
I just went through the process to open the audio file I uploaded in Google Drive on the computer, and wow, not good.
First made me sign into Google, even though I’m already signed in. Then, it wouldn’t play the format from my android recorder…
I know I can convert the files to Mp3, which is probably better, but there’s got to be a better way.
Seems like there should be a way to share audios from android, which seem pretty good to me, (or I things too, I suppose, if you roll that way ).
Youtube is an option, but I don’t always want video.
I do BELIEVE, there’s got to be a better way than Dropbox or Google Drive…
What might it be?
Yep, Similar problem, want to upload, can’t fit some reason
Hi Bobby @HarpinBobbyMcB
Create your own personal web site (e.g. most internet providers offer that option for free with some storage space for things like pictures, audios, files, etc). Actually the easiest format to use is probably mp3 or mp4 because of the sound quality and the file size.
You might wish to look around the Android store for sound recording apps and test a few of them to see which formats they offer and how easy they are to use. If one does not pass your test, simply delete it.
– Slim