Introduce Yourself!

Greg I’d do the same but my garage will likely go down to minus 31 Celcius with the wind chill.
Enjoy my friend.:+1:

The Great White North


Hi! I’m a 71 year old dude in south Georgia and I just signed-up for the course tonight. Picked up Special 20 about 15 years ago, but without any instruction, I just “dabbled” with it occasionally. Bought a Crossover last week after finding Luke’s course. Excited to finally have a structured approach to learning to play!


Hello @astrodanbrown,
Welcome to our forum and have fun with the beginner to the boss course. You will make good progress with the course, sometimes taking a few steps back to make big leaps afterwards. If you have any questions or problems, we are there for you. Greetings from Germany from Astrid


Greetings @astrodanbrown and welcome to the forum.

Best regards from a former Kennesaw, GA resident, now living in Germany,
– Slim :sunglasses:


Vielen dank!


Welcome to the forum @astrodanbrown! Like you, I prefer a structured approach to learning. Enjoy the journey, and keep us up to date on your progress! :grinning:


Thanks! Will do.


Hey Everybody. I’m Andrew and I reside in the Southwest of Eagle Land. I’ve been learning harmonica on and off since I was a kid but have gotten back into it strongly due to Covid and some personal mayhem. I enjoy blues, folk, and western music on the harp but I sometimes try out other genres. I watch a lot of Luke’s videos on YouTube along with Adam Gussow and a few others. I look forward to being a part of this community and learning from and with you guys. Yee Haw folks​:cowboy_hat_face::desert::us_outlying_islands::eagle:

[EDIT] I’ve been learning using a combination of YouTube tutorials, Blues Harmonica for Dummies, and learning tabs off the internet. My goal from the tail end of last year and for the new year is to become a skilled amateur in harp and keyboard. I’ve been doing a lot better with the harp though due to the increased portability :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Nice to see a fellow Arizonan. I’m starting to play the harp again too after a long time away from it and I’m getting the fundamentals down too. Good luck in your journey!


Welcome aboard Andrew! @AO8675309. I’m a Yuman, so in SW AZ as well. If you’re using Blues Harmonica for Dummies, you’re in good hands. I’m taking a few one-on-one lessons from Win.

I’m really enjoying the Beginner to Boss course. You might give that a look as well. Has a great guarantee if it turns out not to be for you.

Keep us up to date on your progress. We want to hear… :grinning:


Hi all,

Maka from Australia. A late starter on the harmonica, but I’ve been at it a few years now (which makes me old!), I did a night course at the local tech college (once a week for 8 weeks) and when that finished a few of the course members continued on the ‘once a week harmonica thing’, except at my house. 12 years later and they still rock up once a week!

I’m a bit of a gear head, but am slowly finding out what really works for me and sticking to that. Despite looking at two dedicated harmonica amps, three guitar amps used for harmonica and a full PA system as I type this, I’ve just ordered another harp amp.

This one (HG35) will be IT (honest). And the Bulletini I bought last year will be the last mic (honest). And the set of 12 Easttops at Christmas will be the last harps (honest).



Hi ya’all. My name is Dee and I’m a beginner, I got my harmonica from a points website. It is the Hohner BluesBand. I understand it isn’t the best for a newbie, however I’m stroking along. I’m a 61 year old Veteran and have always wanted to play bass guitar. I dabbled with an electric keyboard , flute and an acoustic guitar. I seem to be picking up the harmonica better than than anything else. Nice to meet you and I’ll be seeing you.


Hello @JustDee,
welcome here with us. Here in Germany they say in love “You have to kiss a lot of :frog: :frog::frog::frog::frog: until you find the right :prince: :princess:”. It’s the same in music :notes: and with the instrument that suits you and is fun. So have fun and you are of good age as it is never too late. Greetings from Astrid


Hi Maka @Maka

Welcome to the forum! Tell me: how is the Bulletini?? :microphone: I have been thinking about investing in one. :thinking: Is it worth the price? :moneybag:

– Slim


Thanks Astrid!!


Welcome to the forum, @JustDee !!

I agree with everything Astrid @AstridHandbikebee63 said. And, yes, the harp you have is not one of the better ones. So if you find that the blues harp could be your thing, then don’t waste time and order something a bit better: for example, a Hohner Marine Band Deluxe (be careful: get the Deluxe – those without Deluxe in the name and on the cover are cheaper, but the Deluxe is worth the extra money), or the Hohner Golden Melody.

– Slim :sunglasses:


I can attest to the quality of the Hohner Golden Melody that @Slim describes. I have them in C and G.


Welcome to the forum @Maka. It sounds like you have a bad case of G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). GAS afflicts many of us, and is a chronic disease. The symptoms can be reduced temporarily by purchasing a new harp, amp, or mike. Unfortunately, there is no known cure. :grimacing:

Welcome aboard, and enjoy your new amp! :grinning:


Welcome to the forum @JustDee. Lots of here are newb’s, so you are in good company. Do let us know about your progress. It’s always encouraging to hear about others’ successes and the occasional setback.


Hello everyone,
Been playing different musical instruments for a while, and even goofed around a harmonica but never actually owned one. Wind instruments were never really my thing, but ended up getting one as a gift this holiday season, and wow, I really had a blast playing with it. Found myself spending all my free time on the harp.
Lots of people said I sounded good, so decided I wanted to be a little more serious and spent a little cash on the Beginner to Boss lessons, so that I can break any bad habits I picked up as soon as possible and really elevate my playing so that I can actually play with others and not just goof around with it.
Very excited to undertake this harping journey and glad to see that there is a nice community here I can turn to.