Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to the forum, @anon37063836 !


Hello to everyone,

I am Marie, a determined older student and a beginner…I play tiny bit of ukulele when I am able to carve out the time to sit and enjoy making a wonderful sound. I decided to try the harp to improve my breathing and to challenge myself to learn new skills. I have two harps, a Special 20 for playing in the house and an Easttop too8K that I play in my car after work. After working my 12 hour shift (I am a RN) I have found that sitting in the car and playing my harp for ten minutes before driving home is very therapeutic. Although I have not progressed very far in lessons I have noticed a positive difference in my breathing. I expect to progress slowly, but progress I shall! I have read many posts from the forum and especially like the positive supportive attitude, I look forward to reading more.


Welcome to the forum @1bakingblackdog !


Hi Marie @1bakingblackdog ,

Welcome to our forum. For assistance in any way, you have come to the correct place!

Absolutely right! :point_left::+1:

Best regards,
– Slim :sunglasses:


Hello @1bakingblackdog,

welcome at our place! A good way to relax with the harp in the car after work :slightly_smiling_face:!
I can also confirm that it improves breathing and muscles significantly!

Have fun and nice to have you with us.

Best Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Hi Luke and Co,
My name is Danny from North Haven NSW.
I’m about half way thru Beginner to Boss and have been pleased with the results so far, but wanted to consolidate those skills before moving on to the advanced stuff (bends etc).
Is there anywhere in these forums for TAB requests?
I posted one in the harmonica section and got no response.


Hello I’m tank (nickname) aka Dave . I’ve recently started playing a C harmonica and really enjoying it . Your easy to follow YouTube lessons have put me on the right track and would love to thank you for that .
I’ve been getting a few requests lately and hope maybe someone in the forum can help me with the tabs.
Thanks again


Hey everyone!
My parents bought me a harmonica when I was younger and I really enjoyed it but never had actual lessons. MANY years later, I came across a Hohner Marine band harmonica at an antique show and it reignited my interest.
I’m going to be signing up for the beginner course and I can’t wait. I also play bass and drums so I’m looking forward to learning a new fun instrument.
Also, here’s a pic of my new harp :smiley:


Hey. Im Flo from Denton, Texas. I was in the military (USMC) for 9 years and have had a bumpy road adjusting to life as a combat veteran. I picked up the harmonica and practice for hours a day. Its a way for me to get lost and focus on something productive. The harmonica has always fascinated me and seems to be the right kind of medicine for the soul. This is a new found passion and therapy of sorts. Cant wait to actually learn how to play right and grow into something I didnt know I loved. This is gonna be an amazing journey. Love the way the course is setup and how the lessons are presented. You rock!


Welcome to the forum, @Adrian.flores22 !


@1bakingblackdog - Welcome to the forum. So glad you are playing the harmonica, and happy you have joined the forum as well!

@ydandtl - welcome Danny! Sorry to be ignorant; what is NSW? I always check when looking for harp tabs. I think I responded to your request?

@Tank welcome! I’m so glad the lessons are helping. I’ll keep an eye out for your requests.

@Retta75 welcome to the forum. I’m so excited you’re signing up for BTB! Congrats on the East Top.

@Adrian.flores22 welcome Flo! Thank you so much for your service. I’m so happy that you’ve found a positive therapeutic focus. I pray that the healing continues! I’m so honored to be part of your journey. Rock on! :sunglasses:




Yes - thank you Luke, you did respond to my request.
btw NSW is on the east coast of Australia.


Welcome! A couple of lessons and you’ll be just where you need to be. Then go listen to some harp playing by Huey Lewis, Van Morrison, Mic Jagger, and some other rockers and you’ll be saying, “Damn, people bought this stuff? I’m better than them!”

You’re on the way to being an opening act! Have fun. :sunglasses:


Hi Luke and all harp learners
My name is Paul I live in the central highland’s of Tasmania Australia jumped off the treadmill 2 years ago was sitting around the other day and thought I should learn harmonica so here I am
Born on a farm spent 22 years pro fishing started plumbing apprenticeship at 48 and completed at 51
That’s about it I’m getting into it
Cheers Paul


Welcome to the forum, @bellaandlou1961 !!


Hi all, Tony from the Northern Beaches of Sydney NSW.
Just retired and life’s looking good, been mucking about with the harp and really gone no where fast so I decided that it was time to up the anti.
Looking forward to learning and talking all things harmonica.


Hello just started figuring out the forum, my names Josh I’m about 3/4 of the way through your beginner to boss course and so far I’m digging it a lot. Keep up the good work Luke and I was just wondering if you had any recommendations for after I’m finished with the course. I definitely feel like I’ve gotten way better but I don’t if I’m a boss😂


Welcome to the forum, @joshgreiner80 !


Hi All. I’m Kris from New Hampshire. I’ve been a professional recording/touring drummer for much of my life. I also play some guitar and bass. I’ve been intrigued by harmonica for a long time, and have noodled around without ever getting serious. I feel like now is the right time, and although I think I have a few basics down, I’m starting with Luke’s course to make sure I learn the right way and avoid any bad habits. I’m a straight forward rock and blues guy, and the people that really turned me onto harmonica are Little Walter, Rick Estrin, Magic Dick, and a guy who doesn’t seem to get a lot of attention named Big Leon Brooks. I have just a few instruments so far… a couple of Hohner Blues Harps, a Special 20, and a Lee Oskar that should be here shortly. I’m really excited to be a part of this community and to learn all that I can! (As for the K-Train monicker, it’s an old high school basketball nickname, but I thought it sounded like a fun blues name :slight_smile: )