Mystery man (Throat Vibrato taught my Michael Rubin)

This video from 5 years ago just popped up on my YouTube feed. It’s actually a good lesson in vibrato, differing from Luke and JP’s ‘coughing’ technique by achieving vibrato with fast bends. It’s definitely worth a watch if you haven’t seen it but the big question I’ve got is: just who is the chap in the video? It was posted by but I’m only aware of JP and Luke as teachers

Harmonica Vibrato Lesson (Cool Technique!) (

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Its Michael Rubin (he even says his name at the start). He does a lot of chromatic lessons on YouTube.

– Slim :sunglasses:


:rofl: thanks for that Slim. I guess what i meant to ask (but failed spectacularly) was not what his physical name was but ‘who’ he is, as in, is he a previous instructor of given that he has posted lessons under the umbrella.


@chris3 Yeah Michael Rubin has done quite a bit of stuff for Harmonica .com over the years, and this vibrato tutorial has been the most helpful to me of any that I’ve found on YouTube, as I mentioned in this post:

Michael’s got a much better throat vibrato than me, but I actually just mentioned throat vibrato in my most recent video.

One more forum post on the topic you might be interested in:

Also, I have spent a lot of time doing what Michael recommend here of practicing the monkey sound with a metronome at 60 BPM, doing 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X per click, but I want to also remind you that Joe Filisko maintains that committing to practicing the Big Tone Train is the single fastest way to develop throat vibrato. There’s a link to that resource in this forum post: